I need to quit smoking..?!

Question: I need to quit smoking...?
i'm 17. i've been smoking since october last year. both of my parents know. my mom smokes too but no they DO NOT encourage it. they both said they want whats best for me and want me to consider quitting. they cant really make me quit since i have friends that can buy me the cigarettes. and i'll be 18 in a couple months so it wouldn't matter anyway.

but that aside, i want to quit. i really do. the problem is most of my friends smoke. so when im hanging out with them, i see them smoking and it makes me want one. being with people who smoke while you're trying to quit makes it all the more difficult. i also work with people who smoke. so it's going to be hard.

what i want to know is, if you quit smoking, how did you do it.? when you were around people who smoked, how did you stop yourself from caving in.? i try to constantly remind myself the reasons why i want to quit (the cough, the smell, the potential TO DIE!!) but when my brain starts taking over and telling me i need a cigarette now or im gonna go insane, then those reasons dont appeal so much to me. (sad i know, but if you've never been addicted then you dont know what its like)

so please help. dont tell me to just quit, or dont smoke. its not easy, and there's no need to be small minded about it. i dont get why people constantly say "dont smoke" to people on here. people are going to smoke whether you tell them to or not, and you arent going to get the 10pts anyway so instead of wasting your time, why dont u try to help the person instead.? :]

thanks.Health Question & Answer

I had a friend with the very same problem. We hung out with people who smoked all the time. I didnt smoke but she use to smoke heavy for a couple of years. After her mother died of cancer from smoking, she decided it was time to stop smoking. I think what you need to do first is have a buddy by your side who dont smoke. Of course being around friends that smoke will make you want to do it too, but being around a friend who dont smoke will make it easier for you to get out of that habit. So, she hung around me and I made sure she didnt smoke or sneak a smoke, and instead, I we kept her mouth occupied by chewing gum. We found that having your mouth occupied will help cut down on your craving for a smoke. Another thing we did was found other things that we could buy with that money she use to spend on cigarettes everyday. In the end, we eventually got us a membership at the gym together, so now, we do healthy things to keep her from smoking. Hopefully this may work for you too.
1. Seperate yourself from people who smoke
2. Occupy your mouth with something better than a smoke
3. Think of better things to do with your money
4. Think of healthy ways to get your life back in order without smoke.
All of these worked for her and it may work for you. I know everyone is not the same, but it doesn't hurt to give it a try. She haven't smoked in over 2 years now!!
Hope I helped you. Good luck~Health Question & Answer

smoke weed, its better.Health Question & Answer

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