Want to start using the Nuva Ring...?!

Question: Want to start using the Nuva Ring....?
So I would like to start using the nuva ring because it has the best reviews as far as birth control goes, and because I'm very irregular with my menstrual cycles. But I would like to know since I'm irregular, will this make me regular again.? Oh, and how many rings come in a box.? And does my doctor have to keep writing me prescriptions for when I run out of rings, or will the refills be unlimited until I decide to get off of the Nuva Ring.?

Thanks a bunch. =)
oh, and anyone who has any good/bad stories, please share.Health Question & Answer

i have actually used nuva ring before. It comes in individual packages and your doctor has to write a perscription for however many refills they want. so if you get 3 refills then you will get 3 months worth (3 rings).

My ex bf did NOT like the ring because he could feel it up there and he thought it was really weird. also, one time it actually came out of me during sex and was around his penis! how embarrassing!

you CAN take it out for 3 hours before sex and then put it back in afterwards, but i never would remember to do either!

But overall, i didnt get any side effects, it was just a big hassel to me...Health Question & Answer

I've used the Nuva Ring two separate times. The first time was for about 1 year, the second for about 3 months.

I didn't like or dislike it the first time, it was comfortable enough, although I could feel it inside me sometimes. But hey, it did it's job.

The second time I was on it, I couldn't stand it!! I could feel it all the time, and it would come out during sex. On more than one occasion it would get stuck around my boyfriend. It was funny the first time, but then it got old. Oh yeah, and I got pregnant during my third month on it.

Obviously most women who take it don't get pregnant, but I thought it was worth mentioning=) and I used it exactly as I was supposed to.

I had a much better experience with the patch. Now I use the new I.U.D. and I LOVE it. It's certainly something to research.Health Question & Answer

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