Tampon question...help!?!

Question: Tampon question...help!.?
im going to be dancing a lot now-a-days...so yeah...i need to finally use these things lol. uuhhh im a bit scared and need some advice...please help me...thanks...Health Question & Answer

Get some small sized ones with plastic applicators to start. Playtex Sport and Tampax Pearl are comfortable. Then, honestly, the most helpful thing is to read the printed instructions on the pamphlet in the box. They explain the easiest way to stand when inserting it and they have clear directions and little diagrams to help you. It may take a couple tries, if so thats fine. Just try not to tense when you put it in, that may make it more difficult. They are easier to wear than you probably think. Just make sure to change then every 6 hours or so. 8 if you sleep with them.Health Question & Answer

In the box there are instructions on how to insert them. For a newbie buy the ones that have the tube applicator like Tampax. Put a little bit of Vaseline jelly on the applicator so it will slide in easier unless there is enough menstrual flow at the time. The applicator has two parts like collapsing telescope. the thinner piece slides into the larger part and acts like a plunger. It pushes the cotton tampon out of the large part and into the vagina. What you want to do is slide the larger part into your vagina you can just see the edge of the large piece showing outside of the entrance. Push the plunger in until the tampon is loosed inside. Then pull the collapsed telescope out and leave the string hanging out.Health Question & Answer

I use Tampax Pearl. I used to use Playtex Sport, but they leaked. The Pearl has NEVER leaked. They are definitely the best. They are very comfortable too.

What you do when you put it in, is just make sure you relax your muscles. Make sure you get the barrel of the tampon all the way in before you release the cotton.

Tampons are very comfortable, and not as hard to put in as some people may think. To me, they are way more comfortable than pads anyway,

Good luck ,and I hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

well first buy some plastic applicater I recommend playtex gentle glide or sports they tend to work easiest (light absorbency). Then I also would say to stand over a mirror lol. its sounds kinda weird but it works. Just slide it in and pull out the applicater and then voila!Health Question & Answer

don't worry, its not hard at all. the key is just to relax. using a plastic applicator from tampax or any other brand is best for first time use because it is very easy to put in. some sites like www.beinggirl.com have really good directions on how to insert a tampon.

good luck!Health Question & Answer

Try playtex gentle glide... they come with plastic applicators instead of these cardboard once. I know this from one of my female friends in my class.Health Question & Answer

dont worry its not hard at all. and its so comfortable once u get the hang of it youll never want to use pads again. its pretty simple just read the directions. good luck :)Health Question & Answer

dont wear one. they are pointless. wear something white when you are dancing so it showsHealth Question & Answer

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