I had a polyp inside the uterus Doc adviced me to remove it by laseer treatment, is it neccessary to remove it?!

Question: I had a polyp inside the uterus Doc adviced me to remove it by laseer treatment, is it neccessary to remove it.?
It is absolutely necesssary to remove it.
You have not mentioned your age and the problems it is giving you.
It may give one irregular bleeding, difficulty in conceiving, or if left can grow and become malignent.
the treatment is very simple,it is not laser but hysteroscopic removal where we insert a small tube into the uterus and remove it and send it for histology.
so wish you good luckHealth Question & Answer

If the doctors have advised removal, then you must ask yourself and them why. I would assume you must have had some kind of problems that caused you to seek out their assistance in the first place, which in turn led the the discovery of the polyp. So it is already causing problems for you. A polyp can reach sufficient size to cause serious problems with heavy or irregular periods, which are not healthy for you. One polyp also tends to become more polyps. It can also interfere with your ability to get pregnant, and in some cases can become a hazard to a pregnancy. Laser removal isn't that big a deal really. It's a lot better than waiting until the options available are limited to surgery and/or a hysterectomy. Necessary to remove.? Depends on how bad it is, and how bad it's likely to become. It's not exactly a life threatening situation, so you can certainly take time to discuss all the options with the doctors. But laser treatment is the least invasive way to do it, and will solve your problems. Scary, yes, but nothing a few answers from your doctor can't help you put in perspective.Health Question & Answer

Polyp is basically a benign growth/tumor...left there, it can grow larger and possibly become cancerous. Health Question & Answer

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