What are the signs and symptoms of menopause?!

Question: What are the signs and symptoms of menopause.?
Sounds like this could be the start. I was your age when I started and my first recollection was of a mild night sweat which occurred a couple of times but thought it just couldn't be. Had regular periods and suddenly they became a bit erratic. Sweats increased and the mood swings were absolutely awful. Incidentally, your GP can do a blood test which determins if you are menopausal. I fought against going on HRT and would have put up with the sweats but it was the mood swings and personality change I couldn't handle. I thought I was right and only after going on HRT I realised what I had been putting my family through. I am not saying HRT is right for everyone but I just came of it this New Year after 15 yrs. After about 5 months on it I suddently realised what a changed person I was and how much I was enjoying life. I did try to come off it 'cold turkey' a few years ago and after 6 months I was back to the 'old' me. This time I weaned myself off it and have had no problems. To be honest I just came off it as I had been on it so long but honestly could have continued with it for ever. I appreciate it is not the same for everyone but it certainly gave me a life I wasn't having. When reluctant to go on HRT I asked my Dr for his opinion and at the time I was appalled at his answer as he said "It may knock 10 years off your life but it's up to you. Do you want 20 good years or 30 bad ones.?" . I now think this was the truest words every spoken. Don't just suffer these mood swings, it doesn't just spoil life for you but also for those closest to you.Health Question & Answer

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