Waist to hip ratio..? Confused? (Q inside.) ?!

Question: Waist to hip ratio...? Confused.? (Q inside.) .?
I've read about waist to hip ratio (WHR), and i'm confused.

In some articles, the scientist says a score 'in the 0.7 range' is ideal.
Then in other articles, the scientist said 'a ratio of 0.7 or below is ideal'.

So which scientists are right.? How come different scientists are saying different guide lines.? Thanks. Health Question & Answer

HI and I really don't know for sure what the "IDEAL" is but here are a couple or more articles that I found that may help you. I hope that it does as it is confusing to me, as well. Good luck and I hope that I have been of some help. If you need more info, go ahead and write to me anytime that you like! Peace out and hope all goes well.p.s. the last one looks the best! my opinion only!




http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0...Health Question & Answer

Actually below 0.8 is healthy. But around 0.7 is supposedly ideal in terms of 'attraction' so anything between 0.65-0.75 looks appealling. Of course this is only subjective, as ideal is a matter of personal preference.Health Question & Answer

As long as they gots a nice booty to titty ratio im happy. Work at that eye candy girl.? ;-)Health Question & Answer

well i think all of that is garbage! I just look at a woman and that is all i need.Health Question & Answer

When you emailed me I thought it would be a different kind of question like a rock & pop question. For a question like this, I don't know if I'd give the answer most guys would or maybe even the answer you're looking for, that is if you're asking what I think you're asking about physical looks or attractiveness physically, but I'll give my knowledge & my honest opinion on it. As for surveys having different results that always depends on who's answering the questions or how a question is asked or bias is thrown in my the people who ask the questions to leave out answers based on their opinions. Anyway I'll give my my knowledge I have on this & my personal honest opinion. If this question has to do with measurements, well from what I've known about it, with measurements what's seemed the norm at one time or other is hip size being the same as bust size, with the waist being either 2 thirds the size of bust & hips --or-- 2 numbers below of the single multiples of the bust & hip size for the waist size, which for the multiples of tens for the waist size would be one level lower than the level of tens for the bust & hip size--which for examples would be measurements like for the 2 thirds which probably be like 6.67 for example of measurements like 36-24-36 or for the 2 levels of singles & 1 level of tens for the waist size below the levels of hips & bust of singles & tens would also be 36-24-36 but also for the levels of singles & tens would also be like 34-22-34 or 32-20-32 or 33-21-33, but this is the norm at one time & times can change. For most guys they either want an hourglass figure or giant bust size more, for example maybe like 38-22-34. That's most guys though, but who cares about most guys--because most guys have their brains & heart in their pants, I know this because I'm a guy with guy friends too besides talking to guys who aren't necessarily friends or guys come to other guys bragging & I've known plenty of guys who talk & brag about their stupid conquests about who they used & dumped after using. If a woman is wanting a quality guy they won't want to be with a guy who thinks/puts looks as the first priority. Granted I've been a very picky guy, but as I got older & got more intelligent & experienced over the years, I realized I could be with someone I love or I could be going from girl to girl but I got smarter about it unlike a lot of men & figured out love is better. also unlike a lot of men I didn't want to make my marrying decision on who I marry based on empty things like just looks or how a woman got me off in ways that most men think about, that is with how women satisfy what men have in their pants. I'd advise women who want a quality man, to look for a good christian man who's fun & not boring but with good morals, who's faithful, monogamous, & also especially a man who doesn't let his anatomy make his decisions about who he goes out with. If I were a girl I'd find a christian man in a church who wants to do God's will & wants a happy lasting marriage & family & marry a guy like that. This is coming from a guy who's listened to stuff like Megadeth, Sex Pistols, Nirvana, Pixies, Bob Marley, Black Flag, stuff like that but also stuff like Snow Patrol, Chris Isaak, Vanessa Williams, but since I've been going to God I wanted to find stuff like Hardcore Punk Christian music & stuff like that. Yeah I know people might think that sounds weird of a guy, but trust me love is better than anything that doesn't last & having been closely involved with the music scene, I have friends in national & international as well as local bands & found there's more to life than protests, art & music. Being happily married to the right person & having a happy family is the real meaning of life while here on earth. I found this out from falling in love with someone I've known for 20 years & I've known her since me & her were kids & before I fell in love with her I wasted time with a lot of the wrong women. Her & I haven't been talking for a long while cause she's mad at me & I miss her every moment of the day. Trust me, love comes from a guy who cares about you & loves you for who you are on the inside not just the outside & like I said I've been a very picky guy about women my whole life. Because of my problems with her now I'm kind of upset with God & yeah this may seem like funny answer but that's the truth as life is.Health Question & Answer

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