If you've had a Belly button piecing, answer this for me?!

Question: If you've had a Belly button piecing, answer this for me.?
I have been dying for one of these for about 7 years.

I'm over 18, so age isn't the issue. I am seriously thinking about getting one tomorrow.

I have a band performance Saturday and I will have to wear a vest that completely covers me.

My other concern is that I'm on an anti-biotic. Is this a bad move.?

How much did it cost you.? How ling was it painful afterwards for.? How long's the recovery and what did you do and feel.?

Any other info you want to give me.? I'm a college student and I know I'll have to hide it from my mom and gram as my mother is Dr. and keeps telling me all places are infested with HIV and Hepititis and My gram is just old fashion. Is it hard to hide.?


10 to best

I'm not fat by the way so you don't have to worry.Health Question & Answer

Ok, first of all, make sure you go to a good place with a good reputation. Ask around where people got their peircings. I went to a good place, but I wish I had gone to a nicer place, but lukily I was ok. Just make sure it is a good place, then they should use steril instraments and the place should be clean, so that will greatly reduce the risk of infection and other dieseases. The fact that you are on an antibiotic helps fight infection. It only cost me $20, but think about your health with price.
It didn't hurt me for long, and it hurts less the more you weigh. I'm exceptionally skinny, I have an unhealthy body mass index, and it was lower then, so if you are healthier then it should hurt less.
It hurt really bad when they did it, for less than a minute. It hurt some for about 5 minutes and was sore for a few days. But don't touch it beyond what they tell you.
I think the recovery was 2 months, but theyll give you a sheet with specifics.
For the band uniform, if its marching band, the uniforms sometimes hit your belly button. Basically, if you wear anything that hits your belly button hard, as in the tops of your pants lays on your belly button, consider buying a big bandage or gauze and tape and cover it. The pressure will still hurt but at least the tops of your pants arent tugging. If it is just a vest or shirt, you should be ok.
Mine isn't hard to hide at all. Get one, and maybe keep it with you, that is jsut two balls that don't stick out, like most do, and that will be easier to hide, especially if you wear tight shirts.
The hardest thing would be if you wear bikinis around them, more likely with you mother. Maybe buy a cheap one peice to wear around her for family functions.
Good luck! the three most important things are: find a good place, take care of it the way they say, and don't mess with it more than you should! Health Question & Answer

Hi Klay,

No, don't have any piecing. Sorry, I can't help you on this one.,

Alexis M.Health Question & Answer

It will be sore for no more than 3 days and the soreness in bearable.. no worries.. Get it and love it! I've had mine 2 years and it's awesome!Health Question & Answer

I got mine my freshman year of high school in march.
I am now a sophmore in college.

But I took mine out 2 years ago because i stopped liking it.

so your first question, no it doesn't matter that you're on anti biotics.
it cost me 35 plus the cost of a cute ring they put in, but now they usually just put in a standard bar.

it was really sore for about a week afterwards, and you can't where pants that will touch it when you sit down.

it hurts bad to get it done because it is a hollow needle cutting a whole into your skin.

hiding it is no prob unless you're wearing a swimsuit.
like i said, i have had mine out for 2 years and there is a whole still although i cant put anything in it.

Salons and tattoo shops who pierce are very clean and use new sterile items so there is no need to worry about diseases.

get it if you want it, you're old enough! Health Question & Answer

When I got my bellybutton pierced, the guy (I know lol it was a guy though) told me not to take any antibiotics. I looked it up on Wikipedia and it turns out he was right; using antibiotics when getting a navel piercing can kill the bacteria that tries to enter the body and this can lead to the lack of malady.

Concerning the vest, I guess you could cut out a little hole where the ring would show through.

Don't worry though, it feels like a little pinch, you almost don't feel it. My sister told me I fainted but I don't believe her. just wear clothes to hide it later, those usually help prevent onlookers of your belly.Health Question & Answer

It's different for everyone. But okay here's how it goes: Meds won't effect you. It costs about 40-80 depending on where you go. ALWAYS go somewhere where they stress cleaning and give you a consultation. NEVER go anywhere where they take you in and out with no appointment, as that is just bad. and unethical. The antibiotic might actually work in your favor. The recover varies depending on how well you take care of it. They should run by cleaning techniques. What worked for me was soft soap rinse in the morning, and sea salt soaks twice a day for a month. After a month it doesnt even hurt anymore. now i barely clean it and I can change it and i've hadi t for a few months. It's easy to hide except in the summer when you go swimming unless u wear a one peice. Anyways, good luck! It's not a hard peircing to take care of as long as you clean it! and not all places are infested with HIV and hepatitis, of course your doctor would say that. But what a good doctor should do is advise you on proper cleaning. Peircing salons are licensed. Meaning, they go through various courses and certifications to be able to peirce people. Health Question & Answer

Go to a reputable place that has strict sterilisation procedures- make sure you go in and ask about it. How much it hurts depends on how many nerves you have around your belly button- some people have more than others and a lot of tissue in and around your belly button can be scar tissue that doesn't have a lot of feeling.

It can take a very long time to heal. It will take at least 4 months and just when you think it had finally healed it will most likely get inflamed again. It took mine about a year and a half to heal so that it wasn't sore or swollen anymore- and I looked after mine very well but I do have sensitive skin. Make sure you get a good quality ring, and keep it clean with salt water or antiseptic and whatever you do DON'T PLAY WITH IT other than to spin it a couple of times a day and make sure you have washed your hands. It will just get infected. It is probably the piercing that gets infected the most out of any of the other ones on your body.

Be aware that some people also get dizzy afterwards so don't drive and take something to eat with you. With the antibiotics it depends which ones you are on. Some will be beneficial and some will not.Health Question & Answer

Hello! I got my belly pierced when I was 16.

I think you will be able to have it and still wear your vest. It really only hurts when things catch on it and it gets pulled.

I think the antibiotic will be perfectly fine. If you want to ask the piercer, and make sure he says it is ok.

It cost me like 80 dollars, but that was back in the day when they were the trendy thing to get done. Now I think you can get them done for 35 to 50.

The healing was the worst part. I have had many piercings. This one was among the worst. The first night was the worst because they tell you to clean it and spin it around and it was pretty painful. I don't know how much I would find it painful now because I was 16 and more sensitive back then. haha. It took forever to heal right at a year. They easily get infected due to clothes, and my horrible ex threw me into a lake. That got mine infected right away. I would not recommend any thing like that. If you get sea salt at the grocery store and make a solution of that and warm water and soak it in a cotton ball and dab it on your piercing that should help. They are really easy to hide too.

Hope I was some help! Good Luck! Hope you love it!Health Question & Answer

If you really want it, get it. It is your body. The cost will vary depending on where you go to get it done. Usually it should cost between $40-$80. Tattoo shops usually keep pretty clean stuff, I would worry if some random person wants to pierce you in their basement. It can hurt for up to a week after it's pierced, depends on the person. You'll want to wear comfy pants that don't go over your belly button when you sit because that is painful.
I got mine when I was 21 and had it for 4 years. I took it out when I got pregnant and had no desire to put it back in. I still have a hole there, but can't get jewelry through it. It's been out for 4 years. And 2 babies later I have an ugly stretch mark from it from being pregnant. Health Question & Answer

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