Heavy and Pro longed Periods.?!

Question: Heavy and Pro longed Periods..?
Ok so im 25 years old and I got my blood test reports today. It says my Haemoglobin is 6 , it should be 13 for females.

think I have anaemia. My periods are quite heavy, well it's usually just big blobs that come out. Usually when I start, the very first morning when im on it, I wake up (stand up) and blood goes everywhere & gets all over my underwear. My doctor gave me iron pills, Ferrous Sulphate I have to take 3 everyday.

My GP has advised me today Norethisterone tablets 5mg 1 tds.

Can someone tell me is this tablet kind of contraceptive pill .? As I did not wanted to go for contraceptive pills ... coz of its side effects. Can this pill also lead to infertility .? and what are its side effects .?Health Question & Answer

My dear darling girl, I used to suffer the same as you and I asked my doc if I could have a hysterectomy as I could not cope with the "flow". The doc said no and prescribed Tranexamic Acid tablets. She said to take 2 twice a day but I found that that dose did not really work, so I decided to up the dose to 3 tablets twice a day and it really does cut down the size of the clots and I don't bleed for so long either. I have had no side effects at all and they are brilliant. I get them on a repeat prescription so I don't have to keep making an appoinment to see the doc. Give it a go and see how you get on. I have never heard of the tablets that you have been given and don't know if they are a contraceptive type. Usually when you get prescribed medication you get a leaflet in the box telling you about it. If it doesn't give you the answers to your questions, then maybe you should ask your doc.I'm 46 and can't wait for the menopause - it will be so liberating. Take care my darling and god bless. xxHealth Question & Answer

Heavy and protracted periods with a haemoglobin of 6 is a matter of quite serious concern. Please consult your gynaecologist immediately for necessary treatment. You may be even prepared for admission, bed rest and a blood transfusion if advised!Health Question & Answer

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