Was wondering about an IUD?!

Question: Was wondering about an IUD.?
I'm only 27 and have 2 kids my husband doesn't want anymore I would like at least 1 more. Should I get an IUD.? Can you still have kids once they remove it.?Health Question & Answer

I have the copper one, hormone free, so that one, once it is removed, should cause NO fertility problems. The Mirena, on the other hand, has a level of progestin in it that is released over five years to help prevent pregnancy, and some women, after having the Mirena removed, may have trouble concieving at first because it takes a while for those hormones to leave your system, but anyone trying to get pregnant after removing EITHER of the IUD's should get pregnant within the first year of trying. The first person to answer this question is an EXTREMELY rare case, the IUD is a perfectly good form of birth control and one of the most effective out there, it is INCREDIBLY rare that someone should get pregnant with one in place and also know someone else who has as well, and though it DOES happen, it probably won't happen to you. I think they are a good idea and especially to get one that is hormone free as that one will not cause weight gain, mood seings, headaches, low sex drive or anything associated with hormonal BC, the only side effect of the copper IUD is heavier, longer ,more painful periods, but I think the benefits outweigh the costs and the longer periods certainly don't happen to everyone who gets it. It also hurts less having it inserted if you have already had children. I always give people this website about IUD's and personal IUD experiences to look at as it has helped me a lot http://community.livejournal.com/iud_div... Good luck!!:)Health Question & Answer

I had the IUD in after I had my first child wanting to wait a little bit to have another. Well guess what! I am 14 weeks pregnant, and my sister also has an IUD and thinks she may be pregnant. I personally don't trust the IUD, but from what I have studied on it, you can reduce the chance of having more children if you leave it in longer then you should or if you have never had children. It really is made for women who already have kids. Talk to your doctor about all your choices, I like the shot the best.Health Question & Answer

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