Will it happen again? Breastfeeding advice?!

Question: Will it happen again.? Breastfeeding advice.?
I have breastfed all my three children, but when my third was born i knew i was going to have complications breast feeding. I said to my mum i wanted to feed it so much that something was going to prevent me from doing so. So when she was born, i kind of expected what happened to happen. When she was just a day old, my breasts got completely sore, going from a 38DD to a 38FF in the matter of days. After a week i got mastitis which lasted a week, then on the same nipple i caught thrush, this then transferred to the other breast then after another a week went to mastitis again. I had this back and forth game for 7 weeks until i got severe flu, with body shakes and all. I then, decided enough was enough and gave in to bottle feeding.

The reason i went to long, was due to my mum (who died on the 10th march this year) getting breast cancer and she had to have one of hers removed. The same breast that i was having problems with (right breast) I didn't want to give up as i had my breasts and she had lost one of hers.

Me and my husband are wanting our fourth child, but i am soooo scared this will happen again. I love breastfeeding and everything it brings with it (apart from mastitis and thrush) and was wondering if it will happen again.? Is this an early sign of breast cancer.? My mum got the breast cancer which was said to be triggered off when she was breastfeeding her 8 month old (10th) child, and i am so scared it will happen to me!!Health Question & Answer

I had just the opposite problem! I have three children and the first two were virtually impossible to nurse! I partially breastfed my first for about 5-6 months and my second for about 2 weeks. I was so determined for breastfeeding to be a positive experience for me! So when I got pregnant with my third I got a letter in the mail regarding the availability of a lactation consultant to talk to me free of charge through our County WIC program. She came over and talked to me for awhile and gave me a pep talk that I think put me in the right frame of mind when I went to the hospital. She said to focus on bonding with the baby, not latching on. (I am an anxious person and want everything to be perfect, so that was great advice). She also said to just hold the baby to my breast so that he could get my scent to feel secure. Every time the nurses would come in and ask if he ate, I would say, "no, we're just getting acquainted". I told them to keep the HOSPITAL lactation consultants away from me b/c they always made me feel incompetent. Besides, my colostrum never comes in until the second day. Every baby is different, and you might have just had a bad experience last time. I don't think it's an early sign of cancer, but I'm no doctor. I'm so sorry about your mom! :-( I would talk to your ob/gyn to put your mind at ease. Best of luck to you!Health Question & Answer

Breastfeeding decreased your chances of breast cancer and seeing your mom had it I would def breastfeed to decrease your chances and breast feed as long as you can. Mastitis is due to the baby not expressing enough milk. Try pumping the breast the baby is not nursing on while you feed the baby. Invest in a good pump. Madela or Ameda are great. Keep warm compresses the your breast while breastfeeding or pumping the 1st week. Generally after the 1st few weeks it is rare to get mastitis as your body adjusts to the amount your baby needs on a daily basis. To avoid thrush this time around let breast air dry and wear white cotton shirtsHealth Question & Answer

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