Questions about Birth Control?!

Question: Questions about Birth Control.?
1.) Do they all make you gain weight.?
2.) What if I don't have insurance.?
3.) How long do they take to be in your system.?
4.) Do you need to take them the same time every day.?
5.) How long will it be before I need to go back.?Health Question & Answer

1.) Do they all make you gain weight.?
No, birth control does NOT make you gain weight and if it does, it will not be more than a few pounds (less than 5). The only reason for this is because the hormones are "tricking" your body into thinking it is pregnant, so parts of your body react as if you were pregnant (boobs get bigger, weight is harder to lose). Eventually, though, because the hormone levels are so low, everything will go back to normal (boobs and weight). For me, that took about 6 months. I only gained about 2-3 pounds and they came off easily after I'd been on the pill for a few months.

2.) What if I don't have insurance.?
You can go to Planned Parenthood. I got a 12-month supply for free.

3.) How long do they take to be in your system.?
Most pills work within 7 days, but to be extra safe, it is advised to use back-up protection (condoms) for the first packet (first 4 weeks).

4.) Do you need to take them the same time every day.?
The pills work best if you take them AROUND the same time every day. For example, if you took them at breakfast time that could be anywhere between 6am and 10am. This is not required, but suggest for best results and also so that it's easier to remember to take the pill.

5.) How long will it be before I need to go back.?
To the doctor.? Well, that depends upon your prescription. Usually, you'll get 3 months to try first, to make sure you don't have any bad side effects. After that, you'll get a 12-month supply and should only need to go back once a year.Health Question & Answer

1. No, not all make you gain weight. Most CAN make you gain weight, but it depends on how your body works with the hormones. What one woman gains weight on, you may lose weight on. And it's not usually a lot of weight, maybe five pounds, if you do gain.
Losing weight is just as common as gaining when on the pill.

2. If you don't have insurance you may be able to get it discounted or for no cost at all, depending on your financial situation. Otherwise it might be a bit pricey.

3. Generally, it takes a week for it to be in your system, but most doctors recommend waiting a month for unprotected sex, just in case.

4. Yes, you need to take them at he same time every day. Set a time where you know you will be able to set a minute aside and take your pill. Missing pills or taking them at different times can make the effectiveness of the pill go down, and increases the risk of pregnancy.

5. I don't quite understand this question. Back to the doctor.? It depends on the side effects of the birth control and if it works with your body well or not. If you're having side effects that impair your everyday life, then talk to your doctor about getting on a different pill.Health Question & Answer

1) Taking extra hormones, regardless of what birthcontrol you use can cause you to gain weight...taking pill late at night/before going to bed, reduces some of that since you don't eat while you sleep =)
2) Try plan parenthood or anything free clinic type of thing. They give free or minimal fee birth control
3) 7 days, but its recommended to use 2nd type of birth control (like condoms) and wait a bit longer just in case since everyone is different
4) yes, it increases chances of not getting pregnant and keep hormones at the same level in your system
5) go back to what.? Don't understand this question lolHealth Question & Answer

1. In some women it makes them gain weight but not everyone.

2. Some can be expensive even with insurance, talk to your doctor they can estimate the price it will be without insurance.

3. It takes atleast 2 weeks but most women wait til they finish the first pack, just so they know they are safe.

4. You need to take them around the same time everyday, an hour or two won't make a difference though.

5. If you mean how long until you have to go back to the doctor, usually its once every year unless they find something wrong.

I personally like birth control cuz I leave it in my purse and if I'm out somewhere it only takes a second to pop a pill. Its way easy and cheaper than most other contraceptive. Health Question & Answer

1. Most birthcontrol pills/patches/shots etc contain hormones which can make you gain weight. Its an individual thing
2. If you don't have insurance Planned Parenthood can help plus there are low cost generic birth control pills which work just as well as brands. I took one for 2 years. Walmart has a few for 9 dollars a month
3. You need to take them about 7 days I believe
4. Yes you do for them to be most effective
5. I don't quite understand what you mean by this questionHealth Question & Answer

1. no, not all of them. and this isn't true for all people regardless of the pill.
2. you can get it from Planned Parenthood without insurance for free.
3. it takes about 3 months for them to work correctly and to get adjusted to your body and have your homormones be all normal levels
4. yes, you have to take them same time everyday!
5. before you go back to get refills.? if that's what you mean they usually give you a year supply of pill packs, after that you'd have to get a refill. Health Question & Answer

1. you may you may not everyone is different, it also depends on the birth control. you may with one but not wiht another.

2. i dont ither, try different clinic thats where is get mine

3. my dr. told me for the first month to use more then just birth control (ie:condom) just to be on the safe side

4. ive always been told to

5. what.? Health Question & Answer

1. No, a diaphragm, IUD, Sponge or Condom.
2. Planned Parenthood.
3. they work right away.
4. Only when you have sex.
5. depends on the method.Health Question & Answer

There are sooooo many differant birth control pills/ things patches, rings, shots, exc. I would talk to your doctor or go to a free clinic where they will provide you with the best to fit your body.Health Question & Answer

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