Nothing is working for my severe menstrual cramps! What now?!

Question: Nothing is working for my severe menstrual cramps! What now.?
So I was taking birth control for about 6 months... but decided it was a waste because I'm not having sex till I'm married and I'm on a budget. My doctor wanted me on them 'just in case' during my Freshman Year of college and because it regulates my irregular cycle... and I figured that was reasonable. (I know a lot of people will ask why I was on them in the first place.)

Anyway, now my cramps are worse than EVER before. I figure if I give it a couple cycles it will go away. However, right now I am in pain and nothing is working. Not tea, not heat, not my usual medicine... nothing. I have class all day then work til 10:00 tonight. What can I do to make the pain stop.? Health Question & Answer

orgasm could help......But, if you are having them 'that' bad I would call the doctor and tell him! Do not think that you 'have' to deal with cramps, you do not. Tell him you need something stronger that your usual meds. I don't know what you are taking, but you could try Naprosyn (prescription strength) or a narctoic pain killer, like darvocet or vicodin , although taking too much of the narcotic pain killers can lead to addiction, so be careful! If then pain does not subside after you have a few periods since being off the pill, I would consider going back on them. You may find at certain pharmacies that they have programs which cover certain meds, and I know that birthcontrol is included, just ask the pharmacy if they have a savings club or plan and ask for a list of the meds. Health Question & Answer

Orgasm, seriously. It will give you uterus a big contraction and get rid of those pesky clots. It really works, try it. Health Question & Answer

your makign the pain worse by sitting here and thinking and typing about it! do other things to take your mind of it or go and see your gp Health Question & Answer

I had very bad pains too, so i went to the doctors and they gave me mephanamic acid tablets. they work really well, try asking about themHealth Question & Answer

Drink milk or something high in calcium it helps minimize the cramps

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