My mom freaks out about Tampons?!

Question: My mom freaks out about Tampons.?
Are tampons REALLY that bad.? I've been having my period since I was 12 (I'm almost 14 now) and I now how to use them. The problem is that my mom freaks out every time I ask her is I can wear them to school. (I hate having to adjust my pad...) She says I can only use them if I go swimming or for P.E. at school. She's convinced that they're going to make me infected and sick. I know about TSS, so I only use light tampons. I tell her I can wear them for up to 8 hours (that's what the box says) but she demands I only wear them for 2 hours. Is my mom right.? Any Help.? Thanks! Health Question & Answer

Your mom is not right. TSS is pretty rare, and as long as you keep being responsible you shouldn't get it. There are women who go decades wearing tampons without any problems. You shouldn't wear them for only two hours each, because that may not be enough to fill it up, and it could be painful to get out. You can either wear them anyway, without your mom's knowledge, listen to your mom, find a way to convince her they aren't that bad, or suggest a menstrual cup like Menstrual cups hold the blood, but they dont soak it up like a tampon does. They can be worn for 12 hours with no risk of TSS, and they are reusuble. I know they sound messy and gross, but keep an open mind. They are better for the environment. (google Faith menstrual cups yahoo answers and you'll get results from someone named faith on yahoo answers who loves her menstrual cups.) Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Hey, well she's your mom, of course she is worried about you. But you are going up, and its your body. Tampons are not bad, i think they are really awesome! Its true that some women get TSS, but not all, as long as you take care. 8 hours may be alittle long, but listen to your body. 2 hours may be your max, or 6. Try to alternate pad and tampon usage. And try to talk to you mom woman to woman calmly, she's more likely to listen. see what her reasoning is and dont interrupt. remember to keep your cool when your telling her your feelings, hopefully she'll understand.Health Question & Answer

My mom was the same way. She didn't like tampons and therefore told me I couldn't use them anyway. Just tell her that you will be super careful, change them every 4 to 6 hours as needed and when you get home from school you will switch to a pad. Maybe after some time she will loosen up when she sees you aren't having any negative effects.Health Question & Answer

your mom is nuts!
can you compromise and be sure you change them every 4 hours.

is having them in too long her problem.?
does she use them.?
does she only keep them in for 2 hours.?
how will she even know how long you have them in or whether you are wearing them or not.?

she's being stupid. just wear them. what do you think she can stop you.? cuz i'm pretty sure its your vagina. its not like she put them in for you or anything.
and if she refuses to buy them for you then go buy them your self.

this is outrageous!!!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

If you use them for swimming I see no reason not to use them any other time.

I LOVE tampons. I only use tampons, and prefer them over pads.

The box is right, NOT your mom. Just follow the box instructions.

Wear a pad to school, change to a tampon at school, then change into a pad before leaving school. Same if you go out or do anything like that.Health Question & Answer

Your mom is caught up in all the 'TSS is gonna get you even if you think about wearing tampons hype' Tampons really aren't that bad. They are made so much better than they used to be and TSS is extremely rare these days. Maybe find a good website for her to read to convince her. Health Question & Answer

uhh i wouldnt say she was right.
wearing them for only 2 hours doesnt let it soak up that much so when you take it out it feels like sand paper.(no joke)Health Question & Answer

Tampons aren't as bad as your mum seems to be making them out to be. I have been using them since I fist got my period and that was over 11 years ago. TSS isn't something that happens regularly, you have more chance of being hit by a bus to be completely honest.
Tampons are easy and make you feel less uncomfortable. You need to search the web for info on Tampons and sit your mum down.
The times are changing and its a lot different from back when she started her period.
Tampons aren't the enemy here. They are easy and simple to use.
Try to talk to your mum.
Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

TSS is associated with keeping anything inside your body for prolonged periods of time, due to bacterial infection it *may* cause.
However, this is extremely rare. I'm talking one in a million!
I have kept it in for longer than 8 hour by accident before, as have many of my friends and we are fine!
You will get used to what feels right for you. Just change it when it starts to tug or it feels like it's beginning to leak. However, if your period is quite light, change it every 4-5 hours just to keep it fresh.
Tampons are great! My mum was a little bit conscious about me using them, but I think that's due to the whole generation (Y).? prudish values. They're so much more convenient and comfortable to use than pads.
The first time I had my period and used pads, I thought my life was going to be hell! Blood gets everywhere and they leak so easily compared to tampons!
Just do what you think is right hun, and look up the symptoms of TSS so if you ever feel you have a reason to worry (very unlikely), you can see a doctor ASAP and they will treat you immediately.
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