Have you ever suffered with post-natal depression?!

Question: Have you ever suffered with post-natal depression.?
I haven't got a child but some of my friends and family have young children and they are suffering with post natal depression. None of these people seem satisfied with the treatment that they were given by their doctors and I believe that this is quite a serious problem that isn't given enough attention.

Have you ever suffered with this.? What was it like.? What did you go through/are you going through.? Or did your partner go through it.?

I am trying to write an article about the subject so any help would be very very welcome. Thankyou :)Health Question & Answer

I had post natal depression, it was a strange condition as i had read that mothers who had it tended not to bond with their baby. I was the opposite i was totally over the top. Everything had to be perfect and i was awake day and night making sure it was. I started to stop going out and avoided people. I remember going to the post office and i felt like i was talking funny, i was just anxious but from then on i stopped going out.
I was referred to the psychiatric hospital, the Dr's visited me at home. I used to think that when i went out of the room they checked under my rug to see if i had hoovered under it!!
I was given medication which helped and counselling. The main thing i would say is that it started in pregnancy - connected to body image (i couldn't look at myself in a mirror) and my symptoms were not how most of the books described them.
My advice would be is to look out for the condition in pregnancy and talk to gp then so that they can look out for it post natally. I made a full recovery but it took about a year.Health Question & Answer

yes i suffered it 3 years ago after my first child, i was very low i loved my child 2 bits but i felt isolated and it was like some1 was in control of my body, i would have mood swings and everything, but me and my partner got through it 2gether. it was tough. its hard 2 explain in detail u just feel helpless Health Question & Answer

not as yet. Health Question & Answer

yer im still emo so emo i cant stand using google i use black all

www. blackle.com use itHealth Question & Answer

oh yes - i suffered after my first child and you dont know you have it. it was horrible, i worried constantly about my health and my baby's health and done 3 trips to the doctors a day, and i went to the out of hours doctors. i was petrified that if something happened to me who would look after my baby and if something happened to my baby i could not cope. the doctor who was fantastic kept trying to give me tablets but i was that scared id have a allergic reaction i would not take them, but after severe anxiety and panic attacks, i did take them, and 6 months down the line you could see the difference - i could see the difference. my daughter is 12 now and i am still on tablets and i have been told probably will never come off them and quite honest i would never want to come off them. i get ill when i come off them, all the symptoms come back, my depression was so bad it effected years of my life. - i still say to this day it was from the hospitals fault - i lost alot of blood when i had my baby and saw 5 different doctors and they all said i was fine, but i new i was not, and i took myself to a/e where they admitted me Straight away and i had alot of the placenta still left in me so that's what was causing the very heavy bleeding. that's why i now always doubt doctors but one i found to be brilliant and i only ever go to him now. i lost alot of trust and that's what scared me. he same happened to me again when i had my twins, i came off the antidepressants while i was pregnant but as soon has i had them i was put Straight back on them, which was my choice and my doctor agreed, i then had the same promblems of bleeding again....it was then i threatened to sue them if i was left like i was last time, they did leave me again for 2 weeks, but i made sure this time and i was right again, so it was actually medical staff that caused my postnatal depression. i have saw - pyshctrits, physiologist and the brilliant help from my doctor, i still suffer but no where near as much as i used to, make sure your friends get the help now and dont delay.Health Question & Answer

I had post-natal depression with my first child. Everyone was telling me what to do and treating me like a stupid that couldn't handle her own baby and it just throw me over the edge. My mother-in-law didn't stick around because of my mood swings ( thank God for my mother), I didn't want anyone touching my baby ( only my mum and my husband) I would cry if my baby cried, if he laughed then it would make me depressed because I didn't feel like laughing.

I think that the worse was for my husband that he didn't understand that I had a problem and he use to see to the child 24/7 while I slept. And then one day, he put me in the car took me to a doctor and with some therapy and some tablets I came out of it. I understood that it's okay not to be the perfect mum, and that I didn't have to be strong, I was allowed to cry. And after 1 month I could hold my baby and just love him.

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