Is it still rape if i was drunk?!

Question: Is it still rape if i was drunk.?
About 2 years ago i got very drunk and passed out in a tent. I awoke to a lad who had been hounding me for a few months having sex with me. I immediatley pushed him off me and stumbled home. The last time i saw him was a few months ago and i had a panic attack resulting in an ambulance being called as i had collapsed. I have recently been thinking about it, as i am in a great loving relationship and i am having reglaur sex. I get really upset that i lost my virginity that way.

I couldnt go to the police could i.? As i was drunk, it was 2 years ago and i have no proof at all.

When i moved up north i didnt tell anyone but my friend now knows as she was with me when i saw him last. I am ashamed of telling my boyfriend who i trust so very much so i know i could never tell the police or my parents.

Should i just forget about it and leave it in the past or get the police involved.?Health Question & Answer

If you are drunk and passed out, how did you give consent.? Sex without consent is RAPE!

I would report this person, as it was done to you, what is to say that he has not repeated his conquest.

I would tell your boyfriend, as this situation may rear its ugly head when you least except it too. I would also consider seeing a councilor as a way of dealing with the fall out of your panic attack!Health Question & Answer

Yes it is still rape if you were drunk, you didn't consent to it. Now I think it's too late to go to the police because you don't have any proof that it actually happened. Even with evidence sometimes is difficult to prosecute the suspects. If I were you I would tell my bf, but if you don't want to try to get some counseling to deal with the trauma.
Good luck to you. Health Question & Answer

You can still go, but with all that had happened with you being drunk, not knowing all that you had said when drunk and since you have been having sex with your boyfriend there really cant be anything to look for down their like force and bruises because it was 2 years ago. YOu can still report him, and they might read it but its not much they can do. Unless hes man enough to admit he did it, which more than likely he isn't. So sorry!Health Question & Answer

No, get help! This will burn a whole in your mind if you keep thinking about this! And I would consider telling your boyfriend. Maybe what you need is to open up and tell your family about it. I feel like if you tell your most darkest secrets then your mind and heart will come to rest and you will feel better.

THIS WAS RAPE!Health Question & Answer

Wow. I have been wondering this same question for about 5 or 6 years now. The exact same thing happened to me. I mean.. I could have wrote this myself. I'm sorry that this happened to you but I'm glad I stumbled across this question. Please talk to someone about it.. Actually, the only person I have ever told is my current boyfriend. If you want to, message me back.Health Question & Answer

it is still rape no matter how much you have had to drink. You didnt give your consent. You can go to the police but this long after there is no evidence or witnesses but it may help your state of mind.

Good luck.Health Question & Answer

YES!!! ii would efinitly contact the police..... you were taken advantage of and i guess you could say raped..... i would do something about it... and i am very sorry that it happened to you..Health Question & Answer

It most definitely was rape. Consider this: if an unconscious patient in an ambulance or a hospital was "taken advantage of", wouldn't that be rape.? The cause of your unconsciousness is irrelevant.

I agree with all the answers except that going to the police would be "futile". I don't think it would necessarily be futile, as the police may have a file on that fella and your report might help them build up a profile on him. Bear in mind that rapists are repeat offenders who keep on doing it until they are caught, so your report could save another girl from a similar trauma.

As for "just forgetting about", obviously you won't as you had a severe panic attack when you bumped into him. The mental trauma has not gone away and you need to deal with it.

Re your boyfriend, you can choose your time to tell him, but tell him you must, if there is to be a basis of trust and honesty for your future relationship. The rape was NOT YOUR FAULT and he will not blame you.Health Question & Answer

Well I would consider it as rape BUT depending on what you said that happen 2 years ago.?.?.? do you think the police would listen to you.? they would say like where you have been for whole 2 years.?.? now you remember.? also one thing you need to think about is in a rape case first thing they say is go to the police right away if you get raped and don't take a shower so they can take a sperm test and prof he is the one, but in your case with no witness and long time ago it's kinda poor situation, myabe will help just give it a shot, also maybe you should consider talking to the guy maybe he trun to be a good person and tell the police that he did raped you, If i was in your shoes i would defently tell my boyfriend about what happend, if you truly love him don't build your love on a lie, tell him know better than later or than he hear it from somone else and that would be really bad for your relation, there is nothing to be shame of be strong, stand up for your rights and good luck!!Health Question & Answer

honestly now, do you believe it is okay for someone to do that to you when you are passed out.? It is not all right and the only sex that is not rape is consenting between both people. I don't believe from what you wrote that you were a willing party in this. As for reporting it to the police, it is most likely too late as there would be no proof but you saying it happened. Tell your boyfriend, he wouldn't think any different of you if he cares for you at all, and he may give the guy his just desserts. You must be careful with yourself in life. If you're of age you can drink, just do it with people you trust and don't drink so much you have no knowledge of the things happening around you. As you well know bad things can happen, and you are the one who has to stay in control of your situation to keep this from ever happening again. I am sorry that there are people like that in this world but they are everywhere. You have to learn from the good and bad things in life and move on toward the good. Talk to your boyfriend about this and it will help you to move past it. Good LuckHealth Question & Answer

If there were no witnesses and no rape kit to provide evidence, then there's zero chance of the man being convicted, and probably not even enough for him to be charged with the crime. That makes going to the police futile, unless you have reason to believe this guy may be raping others.

What I would do, if I were you, is see to my own well-being. Get some counseling to help you deal with what happened. A rape crisis hotline can steer you where you need to go to recover fully, able to accept yourself and what happened enough to share it with your loved ones.Health Question & Answer

In almost every jurisdiction taking advantage of someone that is passed out to have sex with them is rape. That is because an unconscious person is not capable of consent.

You could go to the police and report the incident and they might go question the guy. You never know, he may stumble during questioning and admit to some aspects of the incident which would then make proving a case against him far easier or they might dig up other evidence. It is never wise to make the determination of whether a case can be proven yourself; leave that to the police and the prosecutors.

You have to make the decision yourself whether or not to report it and decide whether it is important to you to do so. No matter what you decide, because you seem to be having adverse psychological reactions and are troubled, you should go see a counselor and try to work out your problems and feelings regarding what happened to you. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

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