I am obssesive about my weight?!

Question: I am obssesive about my weight.?
Lately I have been feeling really down about weight. I don't know why and it's never affected me at all before but it's getting out of hand. i don't want to think this way but i cant really control it. I am 13 and weigh 40 kilograms. All my friends tell me i am really skinny but when i look in the mirror i always see someone who could lose a little extra kilos. I am consantly on the scales and eating less and less as time goes by. I have always been really physically active and I think gymnastics has put on a lot of pressure to be thin. I am really scared- what should I do.?Health Question & Answer

You need to speak to someone now, because the longer it goes on, the harder it will be to get out of. Knowing you have a problem and asking for help is a great start. Don't listen if people say you're doing it deliberately for attention, and find someone you can really trust who is willing to stick by you and take you seriously.

I used to have similar issues but they pretty much disappeared once I left high school- I guess the subconscious feeling of needing to fit in and that I was being judged was what caused it, even though I've never been the type to give a **** about what others thought of me.

Something that helped me get out of the habit was keeping in mind that being ultra-skinny isn't attractive at all. I know it's what the fashion industry promotes as perfection, but ask pretty much anyone (guys especially) and they'll say a body with a bit of shape is far more attractive than mere skin and bones.

It's tough for chicks when the world is constantly telling us how we're supposed to look, the standards are impossible and unrealistic, and don't at all reflect who we really are. And it's not easy to just ignore it when it's such a big part of the society we've been brought up in, but the more you work at it, the easier it is to disregard that and just be happy with who you are.Health Question & Answer

I think you should speak with your parents and tell them what you have been going through. It is very smart of you to recognize that this is a real problem and if you get help now to solve the problem you can stop before you destroy your body and your future fertility. Health Question & Answer

Stop looking at that mirror and listen to your friends and talk to your parents. You are 13 and that is a good weight for you. Be proud that everyone calls you thin. If your not careful you will end up being bulimic or something so BE PROUD. :) Health Question & Answer


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