Sexual enhancement creams?!

Question: Sexual enhancement creams.?
Can you put sexual enhancement creams, such as Vigorelle, inside the vagina.?Health Question & Answer

You would have to read the label, as I am not familiar with the product. But I do know that sometimes the doctor gives women testosterone cream for their vagina. So yes certain creams designed for the vagina can go in there.

Q. How does VIGORELLE? for Women work.?
A. Vigorelle? is applied to your genital area, specifically the underside of the clitoral hood. This allows the active ingredients to directly stimulate the tissue surfaces. Blood flow and dilation of the blood vessels increases around the clitoris, greatly enhancing your sensitivity. Though response time varies with each individual woman, the pleasurable warming effects develop more rapidly with the sexual stimulation of touching and rubbing in the clitoral area, and with other activities of foreplay. Natural lubrication also takes place as you respond to the beautiful feeling of Vigorelle? Cr

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