hi! okay, i woke up this morning and found a lump in my left breast. it's around the airola, and its pretty small, but it is also painful, what culd it be.? ium scared to talk to anyone about it, but i dont know what to do!
heres some more info:
im 16 years old
i do sports
i was wearing a bra that was way tooooo small for me for the past month.
i got hit on saturday in the same breast by a hand going for a high 5.
it hurts when there is pressure put on it/annoying
it appeared overnight
it hurts more today than yesterday
theres now a little red right by it, and it moved a little bit.

+1919191919191 to whoever gets the best answer.Health Question & Answer

Hi, I think I can definitely help you with this problem.
I'm also 16, and a virgin, and very active.
About three months ago I got lumps in BOTH breasts, and at first I was hesitant to tell my mom because I was scared, but after realizing it could have been cancer I told her immediately.

She took me to the doctor, and he gave me useful information.
It's totally normal if you develop breast lumps when you are on your cycle, or about to start your cycle. ( This is straight from the doctor )
So we then waited to see if the breast lumps would disappear after my period, which is what you should do.
I did, and the lumps didn't go away so we made another trip to the doctor.
Turns out I had a cyst, and cysts are not dangerous at all, but mine were because it was mobile ( it moved around instead of staying in one place ) and it kept growing, in 6 months it would have grown 3 sizes bigger.

Theres a small chance that you have a tumor or anything serious like that,
it's most likely you have a tiny cyst which would occur from just having too much caffeine.

So notify your mom, and make a trip to the doctor.
I hope I helped you! By the way I had surgery to remove my cysts and it was quicky, simple, and you can barely see a scar!

<b>By the way I am a B/C cup and I used to wear A cups that would help push up my breasts, the doctor also notified me that the pressure on my breasts can also lead to cysts</b>Health Question & Answer

It could just be a little cyst, or irritated by the bra and also being hit.
Cancerous lumps normally don't show up over night, if that's what you were worried about!
Your best bet is to keep and eye on it - but don't poke it too much or it will stay sore! If you're really concerned, go and see the doctor.Health Question & Answer

It's probably best to be checked by the dr. It may be a cyst caused by the injury. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

I just turned 18 I have the same problem... i have cysts behind/inside my nipples/areola's...they can be painful..especially before/on your period. i have a big in my right breast which hurts really bad. i got scared too..but i went to the doctors..she sent me to a breast doctor and they did a sonogram (like an ultrasound but on your boobs) it was a little painful & uncomfortable cause she had to roll this thing on my boobs/nipples & take pictures...they said they can take them out by sticking a needle in my boobs and sucking them out..seems scary but if they bother u a lot (like mine) u should get them out. i need to get mine out.Health Question & Answer

OK there are a few possibilities here.
If you are on your period right now, it could be caused from that, especially if it is really tender. A lot of girls get tender breasts from their periods.
Wearing a bra that is too small for you is a MAJOR problem that needs to be fixed. It is dangerous towards your health, and can cause the lump that you are feeling.
If it feels like a hard lump surrounded by mush ( the analogy is a peanut in a bowl of oatmeal) then its a problem and you need to go to the doctor right away. If it feels like "a bunch of grapes" then your okay and its caused from rapid growth of your breasts or your period, and it should go away.

I suggest getting a bra that fits you, and checking this lump everyday to see if the size has changed at all or if it is spreading. If it is, then you should tell someone so that they can take you to the doctor to get it checked out. Even after your period, if the lump has still not gone away, then tell someone, because it is obviously not from your period if it doesnt leave when your period does. Health Question & Answer

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