Masterbating is a sin?!

Question: Masterbating is a sin.?
i masterbate once or twice a week

trouble is, i feel very very guilty as I am Christian.

is it a sin.? and is it morally wrong to do so.?

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I don't know if some of us are just more sensitive than other people but we feel not only guilty about masturbation but about things we did years ago. I used to feel horribly guilty as well about my masturbation. So guilty that I thought that people could smell the odor on me even after a shower and know what I had done. I would go out in fear swearing that people knew. The basis for my guilt seems to have come from my mother. She walked in on me after I had finished and asked me if I had been masturbating. I didn't respond because I didn't know what the word meant. But I was rather uncomfortable sitting in the state I was in while she waited for an answer. Even though this was somewhat bothersome the guilt really came from her repeated teachings of how love making is something saved for married couples only. I went to Catholic School only through the sixth grade and don't remember any teachings against masturbation. But later on my mother spoke out of how masturbation was an abomination. She drilled it into us how sex was a very special gift for married people. It was this repeated message that seems to be the biggest source of the guilt. There was also the guilt that comes from people that automatically assume that all boys are masturbating. It is difficult to feel good about yourself when everybody thinks you have no control. They might even ask you if you do cyber sex assuming that you can't be celibate. That attitude usually comes from them because they can't be celibate themselves. I started to realize that young ladies masturbated in a way that really gave glory to God. Boys are masturbating all the time, I mean all the time. While girls keep it for a special weekly reward. They use it to relax themselves, to drain themselves of sexual energy. But most importantly to really enjoy the pleasure gift that God gave them. They take their time and relish in it.
Boys do it mostly to drain the horrible nagging sexual arousal they are in. We do it more and more until we go from releasing our arousal and it becomes an addiction. We are masturbating almost every day. Sometimes twice per day. My mother's teachings started to get to me and I realized that I really was cheaping sex. I was making the special gift of love making something dirty and disgusting. I gave into the fantasy that I could have a partner like everybody else. The thought of that made me more aroused. As I got more desperate for a partner I was masturbating in places I shouldn't have been. I was growning depressed because I felt cheated because I didn't have a partner. The more depressed I got the more I masturbated.
Finally I took to heart the example of women. They used masturbation as sex was intended. As a special gift. I knew I had to take that attitude. I read something online that scared me and I knew that I needed to stop masturbating. I become celibate for five months, no masturbation, no orgasm, no ejaculation for that whole time. The period of celibacy lifted the cloud of guilt off of me. I was encouraged to masturbate by a special friend. It was for a special communion between us. At first it was something to share. But As I started to do it again it was only when I really needed to. It was something I took time with and rejoiced in it. The guilt was gone. As I embraced it my need for it dropped away. It is usually something that I enjoy once per month. I finally put things in perspective. I realized that at times I will feel guilty about things I have done. I realized that the feeling of guilt is a tool from God to keep me from doing bad things. More importantly to keep me from harm. Going through my fight with masturbation I realized that the reason they teach against masturbation is to keep people from becoming sexualized and acting out in a sexual manner with other people. When used in a proper manner masturbation can be glorius and cools the fire in us so we don't lose our virginity before God matches us up with the person he has intended for us to marry. If you masturbate every day masturbation takes away the sexual urges that drive people to find a partner for marriage. The sin of masturbation isn't doing it but doing it like I was. Doing it so I was degrading myself and cheaping what is a special gift. The evil of masturbation is letting yourself getting caught up in it so that you are doing nothing else but masturbating. The main reason for teaching children that masturbation is a sin is to keep them pure. To keep them from awakening their sexual urges and bringing trouble upon themselves. To keep boys away to avoid pregnancy. In years past children married very early as they died early. They wanted to build their population so they discouraged masturbation. We live much longer and marry much later. We don't need to build our population in the same way because we have longer lifespans.

Now masturbation has become a blessing from God and not an evil sin of the past. That is if we use it as a weekly blessing. It calms us, it pleasures us, it gives us mental stability, it keeps us from giving ourselves to another person. It keeps us from robbing ourselves of our virginity. Instead we keep it for that special person we will share our life with. Masturbation helps to keep a women's vagina healthy until they become one with their husband. It releases men's sexual tension so they don't degrade women by approaching them for sex. It teaches us how special it will be when we are mated with our spouses. As people who love Goodness we will always have some guilt as we fall short of being perfect. But masturbation performed in a beautiful way is not something to feel guilty over.

I know if I was a loving earthly Father and saw my daughter masturbating I would only see my love for her. My arms would wrap around my daughter and all her guilt would be gone. She would feel only love. Even in her nudity she would feel pure as an innocent child. Just like God would make you feel if he were to look down upon you.Health Question & Answer

As I understand the Bible, God tells you to not have premarital sex because that should be saved for your future spouse. However, we also have strong sex drives, hands, and occasional privacy.

Masturbation is normal and healthy. If anything, it keeps you from getting uncontrollably horny and making stupid choices.

It's nothing to worry about. It's not morally wrong- why would it be.?

Sex is something that, for a Christian, should only be shared between spouses. That's because when you have sex with someone, you really bond with them. It's not just the physical side.

Quality time with yourself is nothing at all like the real thing. Don't worry about it.Health Question & Answer

Ok obviously no one here understands the "sin" part of it, AT ALL.

And Kimi, is an idiot! Just for the record.

As a Christian, I have long wondered about this. As a single parent I had once had the pleasure of sex and highly enjoyed it.

Now that I am single again, I have urges. I too think these urges are quite normal.

Here's the catch. If your having urges I assume its safe to say you most likely have already had sex, or some sort of pleasing sexual experience that as a single girl should not have.

This opens us up to wanting more. God said not to do it, NOT to give us yet another rule but because he knew that it would lead us to some dark places He didnt want to see us visit.

The masturbation, although not a sexual act with another person still falls under sexual impurity. With masturbation the sexual thoughts first began with a thought. A thought lead you to a deeper desire, and the desire lead you to the action.

The actions wont always stop there. Eventually you will become desensitized to the masturbation and want more.

Its just that masturbation leads you down a path you dont want to be on as a Christ follower. It leaves you wanting more and continually thinking about sexual pleasures. If you are materbating is your focus on Christ.?

Nope. But thats where it's supposed to be. Pray about it. God's a loving God who understands ALL of our desires. He already knows you did it, so pray about it.

And again, Kimi is a flippin' idiot! For the record.Health Question & Answer

I believe in all honesty that anyone that says they don't masturbate or haven't tried it is a liar. Sexuality is common and a natural part of life. Don't feel as though you are is completely normal, even Christians masturbate and have sexual activities! Just have fun with it and have fun experimenting with your body. Health Question & Answer

Andy, it's good to see that some people can be sensible about it while still being truly devoted to god. I'm an atheist -despite being raised a Catholic, and am frequently astonished by what some people demand of us ("Jesus should be enough to satisfy your sexual urges.." wtf.?).
People like you remind me that it is possible for one to have both faith and common sense at the same time. Thanks.
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I believe it is a sin, that is how I was raised & can't get that feeling or thought to go away....I still masterbate daily. I hope it's now a sin tho. Its real hard cuz guys have the big O with sex and girls, well, we just gotta please ourselves!Health Question & Answer

There is nothing wrong with it and look at it this way, would you rather please yourself, or have sex with some one.? Since you are christian youre probably waiting until marriage.? Dont worry about it its natural human nature!Health Question & Answer

i think when you involve some one for sexual pleasure thats a sin but if you do ir yourself it is not sin bcoz sexual pleasure is the right of every one so keep on its a healthy activity.Health Question & Answer

If you were going according to the bible,It proabably would be a sin.But how many worse things do you do not according to the bible.God loves you No Matter what.Health Question & Answer

Hell naw. There is nothing wrong with it. I do it, my girlfriend does it, my friends do it, MOST people do it. It isn't a sin. Keep going it. Health Question & Answer

I'm not religious at all, but I don't think it would or should be considered a sin.
And if it is we're all going to hell. Seriously.Health Question & Answer

i was catholic and i thought so many things were wrong, but now i am seeing that they aren't even though i still believe in god. personal decisionHealth Question & Answer

What.? why would it be morally wrong.? you're not hurting anyone.Health Question & Answer

Don't feel guilty. It's natural. As you have read a lot of people are doing it! Health Question & Answer

im sure even jesus had to jack off once in a while... dont sweat it, its normal.Health Question & Answer

Hell no masturbation is not a sin. ENJOY Health Question & Answer

God created sex & urges..Health Question & Answer

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