Sometimes I experience vaginal tightness when my boyfriend and I have sex ...?!

Question: Sometimes I experience vaginal tightness when my boyfriend and I have sex ....?
The tightness only lasts for a few minutes, but it can hurt a little bit in the beginning. If we have sex everyday for a few weeks, it's more likely to be tight. This is really weird because lately, we haven't been having sex as often (i'm 11 weeks pregnant, tired, and feel horrible) and i seem very loose - like when we have less sex, penetration is easier.

It kills me that he questions me about this.. he doesn't understand how I could be tight when we have sex all the time and how I could be loose when we have sex only like 2 - 3 times per week. I think he thinks I'm cheating on him because he always asks if I play with myself... It makes me really uncomfortable when he asks questions repeatedly about this issue.

I told him it was probably psychological... when we don't have sex for a while, I want it really bad! By the way, he tried to compare me with his previous skanky girlfriends!! And he wouldn't believe me when I said that the vagina is a muscle and can tense up just like anything else!!!! What a jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Help. What could be causing my tight days and my loose days.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

I experience similar thigns with my wife. she is a small bodied person and well lets just say my sex department is big like Wal-mart. though i'm tall and lanky.

If we have sex all the time she appears to be tight. If we have sex once a week like it has been she is easy.

its all about how you personally feel. Are you really wanting ot have sex at that time. When you really aren't totally into sex your body stays tight when you want it your vagina welcomes it.

best of luck to you lucky bastards who do it 2-3 times a weekHealth Question & Answer

Ask at your next appointment with your boyfriend there. Then the doctor can give him an explanation that your boyfriend can't discount.

You can show him it's a muscle by tightening around him during sex.Health Question & Answer

::And he wouldn't believe me when I said that the vagina is a muscle and can tense up just like anything else!!!! What a jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with you.Health Question & Answer

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