Help, my period started at school!!!!?!

Question: Help, my period started at school!!!!.?
I knew I was due to get my period any time this week. So, Last Saturday.[13th September], I wore a pad, I also did this on the Sunday and Monday. Eventually, my period didnt come, so I was getting sick of wearing Pads, and decided not to wear them anymore because I thought that my period wasnt gonna come. So when I went to School today,[ 18th September], I didnt experience any stomach cramps on the morning. But when it got to 12 0'clock, I had bad stomach cramps in my lower stomach, and pains in my back. I was wondering whether my period had started or whether it was just the ' Day before cramps', so I carried on my day as usual . When I got home, I found that my underwear was drenched. I was so embarrassed.[ Luckily we wear Black Trousers for school]. I had no idea that my period would come today, and i had no pads on me because my period was late ,and it didnt come. By the way, Im only 13, and I was embarrased to as a female teacher for some pads. How can I prevent this in future.?Health Question & Answer

Hey, to make it easy for you always keep track of your period on a calender when you came on and when you go off. Count from the day you come on up to 21 to 28 days so you can know when to expect to have your period. For future reference just keep pads in like a little pouch either in your book bag, purse or locker at school. It happens to the best of us. Good Luck next timeHealth Question & Answer

Be sure to mark your calendar when you get your period. You'll be able to keep track of when it is due. I think that wearing a pad the day you expect it is a good idea, but you can also carry a couple of pads in your purse or backpack. And the nurse should have some in her office. Don't be afraid to go and ask her if you need some. That's why she has them.Health Question & Answer

You should have tampons with you as well- I used to rely on pads and had so many disasters with them. I found that the best thing was to wear both a tampon and a pad to school, then as soon as the pad got any drops on it I could just change the tampon and know I was safe for the rest of the day.
I don't wear tampons at home, but if I'm going out for more than a few hours I definitely will.Health Question & Answer

Well what I used to do is got a black little bag kept it in my locker with extra pair of underwear and pants,Tampons,Pads,Washcloth(To wash my self off),Cell Phone to call my cousin(were really close so i can tell her anything)To come get my stuff),And that's all I did! Don't be embarrassed hun!,
Love Peace & Kisses,
Chelsea Health Question & Answer

you just have to keep wearing pads (or maybe try tampons) and think to yourself, would you rather be annoyed by wearing pads, or embarrassed when you have to ask for some.?Health Question & Answer

Keep some pads in your locker, or go to the nurse.

If your period is happening soon, wear a pad, or go to the bathroom often to see if its come.

Health Question & Answer


You can wear a pad "just in case" while you wait for your period to start, but it doesn't have to be (or need to be) a major pad. Just get some really good panti liners--some are a little more "heavy duty" than others, and it will give you time to notice you've started without a big mess to worry after. A good "more industrial" panti liner is Always Longs--they are just a little thicker and even have a blue center strip that protects a little better. The fact that they're longer helps too. That's what I do and it works great--same with thinking you're finished for the month and then you get a surprise "oops" at the end--those Always Longs have saved me a couple of times now. Good luck, and dont' worry--happens to us all at some point. Sounds to me like you're handling things pretty well for a newcomer to this whole period thing !Health Question & Answer

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