Do i have a yeast infection or is this normal for a teen girl?!

Question: Do i have a yeast infection or is this normal for a teen girl.?
Hi. I'm 15 and I'm wondering if what is happening is normal or if I should see a doctor about this. For about three years my Urine is gooy and slimy, occasionally. Probably right before my period. I don't know. And my vagina stinks like fish. I wash it when I get in the shower but when I get out, it still stinks sometimes. Do I just not wash it well enough.? And how should i wash it.?

I started my period when I was thirteen and the first time I really got my period, a whole bunch came out on my pad and it was like, black! It hasnt done that anymore though, but was that normal.? And why is my period brown sometimes.?

My period is slimy and gooy and has clots in it. That cant be normal can it.?.?

Oh! And my vagina burns when I'm on my period and I pee or wipe. I thought it was because I wiped too hard.

I'm scared because i dont want the wrong answer, I want to be for sure, and if it isn't normal and I may have to see a doctor or talk to my parents about this, how do I bring up the subject.? It will be so awkward! especially if the doctor has to examin me!
Talk about embarasment! And if I do get checked will it hurt.?

I really hope you will be able to answer all of my confusing questions.

I'm a virgin and not sexually active at all, in case you thought it might be sex related.Health Question & Answer

The gooey stuff in your undies is normal - that's just normal vaginal discharge that all women get. The amount and consistency will vary depending where in your cycle you are - you can have up to thirty times more when you are obulating, compared to just after your period - sometimes it feels like someone just dumped a whloe pile of raw egg white in your undies. Use pantyliners if it bothers you - it's what they are for.

The fish smell can be a sign of bacterial infection, and it sometimes happens as a chemical reaction to soap in that area - avoid using soap down there, just clean it with a wet face cloth - it's enough.

You may be getting some irritation from your pads during your period, causing the burning feeling when you pee - try changing brands to something unscented.

If the fish smell continues even when you don't have your period, you should see a doctor, a simple course of antibiotics should clear that up.

Periods are often brown or blackish - it's just blood that isn't fresh from blood vessels - the iron in your blood rusts! It's also normal to get lumpy slimy clots in your period - most of what is coming out is the lining of your uterus, which is blood-filled tissue, so it's lumpy when it comes out.Health Question & Answer

Relax, kiddo, relax. That's all completelyy common. It'll all even itself out once you get a little older, I promise.
That happens to everybody, you don't need to see a doctor. Youre fine. :]Health Question & Answer

Start by talking to your mom. It might seem embarrassing to you, but its really not something to be embarrassed about. She was your age once, and she has a vagina too. At least I assume she has one. Its probably as simple as a yeast infection, and can be treated with an over the counter cream. It could also be a bladder infection, or a bacterial infection in your vagina. You don't have to be sexually active for that to happen. Getting it checked won't hurt, and you may feel embarrassed, but really, the doctor has probably seen hundreds of cooters just that week that aren't yours. Its really not a big deal to the doctor. Health Question & Answer

It sounds like you're pretty normal. Your body produces a lot of different substances when you ovulate, which then has to be got rid of, which is why you have your period. The brownish colour is because blood is not the only thing that's coming out.

I was the youngest of three girls, so I had older sisters to ask these questions when the time came, and was told the same thing.

The burning could be indicative of a mild urinary tract infection. I get them pretty often around my period too. Now, you could go to a doctor for this and get antibiotics (usually urine and blood samples are all they need to diagnose this, no exam required) or you could just drink nothing but cranberry juice (straight! NO blends!) for a few days and it'll likely clear up on its own.Health Question & Answer

I don't know about your urine being slimy/gooey, but if your vagina smells fishy and it burns when you pee, you might have BV.

What is bacterial vaginosis (BV).?
Bacterial vaginosis, also called BV is the most common vaginal infection in women of childbearing age. It happens when the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted and replaced by an overgrowth of certain bacteria. The vagina normally contains mostly

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