Is this normal or abnormal??????????!

Question: Is this normal or abnormal.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?
Please read, I beg you: I've always been sad, miserable, lonely, depressed, and tired everyday at school and at home. At school, I never eat lunch. At home, I never eat breakfast. I only eat once a day -- and that would be dinner. I only eat dinner. I only drink 3 glasses of water everyday. I'm scared for high school. I don't have any friends. And no one likes me. I hate myself. I hate how I look and I especially hate my average body. I'm jealous. Jealous of that popular girl, Nina, from school. She's always the 'pretty, know-it-all' girl who gets so much attention from people. I just wanna be like her, except I don't wanna be popular (don't ask me why). I work so so so so so so so sooo hard in school and what do I get.? Nothing. I'm just the same, miserable, mad, lonely, ugly, dumb person. Everyone at my school brings me down by whispering to people about me behind my backs when I actually know that they are talking about me (except they don't know that I know they are). I cry almost everyday. I hate my life. I'm not like my classmates. I live in a cardboard box (cardboard box meant that I live in an apartment), My parents only get paid $1,000 and they're always broke cause they spend the money on rent and car. I hate how I live. I just wanna be like my classmates: rich, tons of money, no problems, no stress, got a house, a nice room, and everything).

Tell me, IS THIS NORMAL.?!Health Question & Answer

i think once in everyones life everyone will go through what you are feeling. i know i did.
i do know that if YOU don't change things, it will only get worse and you will isolate your self from everything. don't listen what others think. put ur head up high smile and be brave. if you have negative thoughts then things will not get better, but if you are positive than things will look better for you. maybe you need to start doing things that you enjoy and take focus off it all. when you feel sad maye write about it.?.?.? when your angry, run. and when your just having a bad day, laugh and do something fun!
try not to worry about them girls at school, they are not what they seem. most of them are not perfect but put on this whole act at school, and i bet most people who say they are friends with them really are not. i know that was what happened at our school.
i guess also with your life experience you will learn alot, and especially with your parents. if you are not happy with what they are, than at-least you know that when you get older you can do tings differently and give your self more options to be successful.
good luckHealth Question & Answer


you just need to accept it... when you get older.. mabye try to get a job, then you can buy your own stuff...
Health Question & Answer

my life....Health Question & Answer

I hate to tell you this but everyone has issues it doesn

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