What is the reason for bladder infections?!

Question: What is the reason for bladder infections.?
I have had a bladder infection once a year for three consecutive years. I don't have the normal symptoms. Most people tend to have a burning sensation while peeing and some pain. I have never had neither or these symptoms. All 3 of bladder infections were detected the same way.. I would notice blood in my urine. First time, it was very bad. Every drop of my pee was blood red. Then second one I only noticed small drops of blood after I wiped. And the third one there was a good amount of blood in my urine almost as much as the first time. No pain or discomfort. Does anyone know what may be causing this.? I drink plenty of water, cranberry juice, and milk. I only drink soda on occasion like maybe a few times a month. I eat pretty healthy and don't eat much fast food. I am healthy and have good hygine. I am height and weight proportionate. I don't understand why this happens so much.Health Question & Answer

Women are more prone to urinary tract infections than men purely because of the location of the urethra. Make sure when you go for a bowel movement you wipe away from your vagina and urethra. also ensure you urinate after sexual intercourse. It may just be that you are one of those people who is prone to UTIs (this can happen) and there isn't a lot you can do about that that you're not already doing I'm afraid. Just keep a healthy lifestyle and try not to worry yourself about it, it is a "normal" thing for women to have UTIs. If they become more frequent or spread up to your kidneys you may need further investigation.Health Question & Answer

I know, me too. I only drink water, with the exception of 1 cup of coffee in the morning. Sexual intercourse can be a big cause of this, if the urethra is chaffed or irritated from the friction it is susceptible and there it is. I hear a lot of women say they urinate right after sex to flush the urethra of any bacteria. I don't have luck with that either.Health Question & Answer

Well I it could be birth control.Health Question & Answer

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