So im having girly problems?!

Question: So im having girly problems.?
Well the past three days my left nipple tingles and hurts really bad! what could this be.? I also feel soo dizzy and really faint through out my day. Im really fatigue, and I am usually never tired, I take like five hour naps through out my day. I get enough sleep also. I keep getting sharp pains in my stomache also. My period has already came this month.
I am not on birth control. Health Question & Answer

It's possible that your pregnant even if you already got your period, are you sexually active.? Some women get their "periods" throughout pregnancy but it's really just vaginal bleeding. If not, you could maybe have Post MS, which occurs after you get your period rather then before. If this isn't a normal thing tho, you should prolly go see your doctor and get yourself checked out.
Good Luck, and don't stress about it, it could be something as simple as growing pains.Health Question & Answer

well if your breasts begin to hurt of feel swollen or something, that usually means that they are growing, and you might be having cramps. You can get cramps even if you aren't necessarily on your period. also, you can have cramps if you are pregnant so take a blood test (those are more accurate than over the counter pregnancy tests) don't take the risk! see a doctor.
good luck!Health Question & Answer

I hate to answer questions with questions BUT:

When did you have your period.? Was it within 2 weeks.? Could you be ovulating (mine get a bit sore around ovulation and period onset).? Have you given yourself a breast self-exam.? Could it be topical (i.e. did you change laundry detergents and could your be having some kind of dermatological reaction).?

There's also the "better safe than sorry" approach - have your doctor check it out.Health Question & Answer

Your iron might be low. Try taking some iron pills or eat food with plenty of iron like liver, drink plenty of water. You should make a Dr. Appointment to be on the safe side. But it sounds like ur blood pressure could be low. Take care.Health Question & Answer

Hi, I recommend you a phisician

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