Females please help!! - Birth Control Pill Problems?!

Question: Females please help!! - Birth Control Pill Problems.?
I took the pill a while ago, however when i finished my period, i was still bleeding a lot. It didnt stop for about 2 weeks, so I had to come off it.
A week ago I started another type of pill, and have again finished my period but still have been bleeding for about a week after my period, but not as much. Can anyone help.? ThanksHealth Question & Answer

I had the exact same problem. I had the pill and it wasn't doing very well because I was just bleeding all the time. So I tried the Implanon (its a little rod they put in your arm) So they told me to keep it in for 6months and if it didn't match my body they would take it out. So for the 6 months I had it in i bled for about 5months of the time. Then I went to the doctors and they put me on the pill while having the implant for 3month (still didnt work) After having it in for a year an a month I finally shouted at my doctor as they were refusing to take it out. I have had it out for 3 days now nd im not bleeding. Contraception do not agree with me! They have given me a new thing called the patch.. Its like a nicotine patch you wear it for a week--change it--week--chage it do that for 3 week and then 1 week off. so far it has been fine. Some contraception just dpesn't go right with people. hopefully this will work other wise I cant use it just condoms. I really think you should go to your doctors and just say that you would like to try something else. If it is messing your periods up its not right you should keep it.
I hope I helped (gawwd I ranted abit sowwi)
xxHealth Question & Answer

This is normal.

Your body is adjusting to the level of new hormones being introduced into your body.

You should be aware that you will experience "breakthrough bleeding" when you abruptly discontinue The Pill, so that would explain the bleeding that you are experiencing following your period.

Remain on The Pill, completing the pack for two cycles and your cycle should have regulated by then.

But do not keep going on and off of it. All that you are doing is making your hormones continue to fluctuate instead of regulate.

I wish you well.Health Question & Answer

This sometimes happens, usually a change of pill will rectify the problem (could be that particular pill as not agreeing with you) but in some cases the combined contraceptive pill does not agree with people full stop. You may have to try another method. also, bleeding irregularity is common within the first few months of taking the pill, if things don't settle down, go back to your GPHealth Question & Answer

it usually normal when you start taking BC that you get irregular period, keep taking it in time it will eventully get regular within couple months. good luckHealth Question & Answer

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