Does cephalexin cause a yeast infection?!

Question: Does cephalexin cause a yeast infection.?
Any broad spectrum antibiotics can cause a yeast infection. While they are working to kill off infectious or "bad" bacteria which has caused you to be sick, it also kills off the "friendly" bacteria in out bodies that keeps us well. Part of the job of these friendly bacteria is to keep the Fungus in out bodies under control. When they have been eliminated, it results in an over-growth of the fungus. Before long, you have one of several types of yeast infections. Although we usually think of vaginal yeast infection as being the only one, it is possible to have similar infections in the mouth causing Thrush which looks like thick white patches on the tongue and sometimes down the throat. Warm moist areas of the skin such as in the groin or under the breasts and in skin folds are often prone to yeast infections resulting in a painful, itchy, red raised rash. Cramping and Diarrhea are the symptoms that appear when the Colon has been affected. There are two main ways treat any of these infections. Some doctors will give you a Rx for a medication that kills the fungus. These medicines come in pill form as well as cream, vaginal suppositories, mouth washes and topical powders depending on where the infection is. Some will encourage replacing the friendly bacteria by eating yogurt that has live or active cultures in it or by taking a natural food supplement called Acidophiles or Pro-Biotic in capsule or granual form which can even be taken while on the antibiotics as a preventative measure. Talk to your health care professional about what is the best treatment for you. Health Question & Answer

I think that's an antibiotic, right.? If so, then yes..absolutely.Health Question & Answer

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