I have so many problems, please help with at least one?!

Question: I have so many problems, please help with at least one.?
1) I'm 15 years old and I'm a girl, I have been feeling so sad lately, basically since school has started I have been in the worst mood and feeling the worst about everything. Today I woke up and felt up to nothing so I took some NyQuil just so I can feel tired all day, I don't even know why. My best friend recently broke down and told her parents everything about her depression and she's getting doctors help now, and it just made me so sad to see her so sad. I don't feel like doing anything anymore, I can't stand it. And the smallest things are making me cry, spilling something, seeing someone cry, or even listening to a sad song. Why is this.?

2) I really really badly want to lose weight, and its become like an obsession of mine. I count calories, and I'm really strict about what I eat. I weigh 121 pounds and I'm 5'2" and I want to weigh 105. Its kind of been taking over my life, especially the counting calories thing, I won't even eat something if I don't know the nutritional content. I get plenty of exercise, I'm just way worried about food. I restrict soda, chips, all fried food and anything else thats really unhealthy.

3) My period is 3 weeks late. I've never had sex, so I know I'm not pregnant, and I've had my period for almost 3 years. Its always been regular until now, so I don't know why it's so late. Do I have some sort of hormonal imbalance.? Do I need help.?

4) I reallllly like this boy. He's my best friend. We hang out all the time, he knows everything about me and I know everything about him. He's always touching, holding, hugging or poking me, people ask me all the time if were dating. The only thing is he's having EXTREME problems with getting over his ex. He tells me he loves me, and I love him too, but it always makes me more sad because I wonder if he will ever love me as more than a friend. Should I stop liking him like that.?

PLEASE HELP ME! With at least one of these questions.
I will love you forever.Health Question & Answer

I'm so glad I'm not 15 anymore. I completely understand your inner angst. First, you need to quit listening to your friend and all her problems. You want attention and you want someone to pay attention to you and you think that if you were prettier, or smarter, or smaller or more, more, more anything then your life could be better. Your life is what you make of it. If you want to be happy, then you find a way to be happy. Happiness doesn't just come or happen to you. You have to find ways to make yourself happy.

121 pounds is no big deal. I understand you, though. Because I was 5' feet tall and 117 pounds at your age and I thought I was so FAT!!!
So not the case! You are probably curvy in all the right places, so don't worry about it! No matter how much weight I lost when I was your age I could never get rid of my thunder thighs and whale hips. If only I could have those now. Thoughts can get so distorted in your mind when you feel all alone in the world. You are not fat! Stop comparing yourself to everyone else and find something good about yourself. Surely you can find one good thing about yourself. Find that one good thing and play it up. If is your hair, take really good care of it and make the effort to fix it really nice. If it is your only your eyes, learn to apply eye makeup to make your eyes really stand out. Whatever it is that you can find good about yourself physically, then really play it up to look good.

You probably have a hormonal imbalance. It's normal at your age. Worrying about your period will only make it more irregular. Eat healthy foods at least three times a day, drink lots of water, get enough rest, if you're still sad - write your thoughts in a journal, play music, paint, do something creative, whatever, find something to do to get your mind off of your problems for a while. If you quit worrying about it, you will have your period again and all will be well... Until then, if you feel the urge to eat chocolate or ice cream or whatever.....eat it until you get your period.

Keep your friendship with this boy, but don't be too clingy. Give him space and give him time to get over his ex. In the meantime, keep your options open with other guys. Go out with some. If this boy really likes you, he will get jealous if you go out with another guy and maybe he'll take your relationship to the next level.

Good luck to you! Things do get better as you get older! Try to enjoy yourself while you are young! And, be happy about your body - believe it or not, but someday you'll wish you had your 15 year old body again.

If I could only have my 17 year old body and my 35 year old mind - I could rule the world!!!!!!! LOL!Health Question & Answer

If you read few articles (below) - you can discover a lot for yourself. It will help ypou solve all your problems.Health Question & Answer

1) Well Missy, you shouldn't be under all this stress! Not at this age. I can sense that you really care about your friend - which is adding to the stress that you already have.
This phase of life could just be based on your hormones i.e puberty so don't be worried. I sometimes wake up and feel like bunking off school or not doing anything at all. Try talking to someone about all these emotions you're feeling. If you and your parents aren't that close then talk to another family member doctor or friend. I really think it's part of puberty. Just don't make taking NyQuil or other forms of medicine to make you feel tired a habit okay!(it could lead to an overdose). Maybe you should open up to your parents like what your freind done. Just try and see. There's no harm in trying is there.?

2) Yes restricting soda's and fried food is good. You should do this in a normal diet, eating 'naughty food' once in a while. Your weight is perfect for your height and weight so don't worry. Stop stressing as this is chips into your depression and depression isn't a good thing. Depression can lead to you being an Alcoholic, Druggie or even a self-harmer etc. Just try to eat healthy, eating your essentials and drinking water every day.

3) Periods are a real pain in the bum aren't they.? Especially when you they don't come on time. Before i would know when my periods are due which were towards the end of each month, but now i don't know. STRESS is one of the biggest causes of people missing their periods. Yes stress can make you miss your period; and it seems to be the case. As you said you're defenitly not pregnant as you've never had sex so don't worry. Just try to chill out and relax a bit more. Try going to the spa or somewhere like that - you know what i mean.

4) You and your bestfriend should sit down once you're both ready to talk and talk serious. Ask him whether or not you should move things to the next level or should just leave it as being friends. If you love him tell him what you really feel. Don't be ashamed - well he is your bestfriend so he is sure to listen. If you feel that he isn't over his ex then just wait for things to happen by itself as patience is a virtue. Maybe it might happen maybe it might not; remember everything happens for a reason. So i think talking is the key! I hope i have helped you. A*Health Question & Answer

1. you very well may have depression as well. tell your parents how you are feeling and then consoult a doctor, i have depression as well as anxiety disorder and the medication i am on works, trust me, its liek black and white.

2. you are not over weight. 121 is a perfectly normal weight for a girl your age.

3. your period is probably late because of the depression you are feeling, another reason to see your doctor.

4. you need to talk to him about how you feel.Health Question & Answer

1. you seriously have extreme symptoms of depression. even though its going to be a big step, you really need to go see a counselor to help you with your sadness issues. i really hope you dont take nyquil anymore thats scary plz dont do that.

2.your not fat and you weight is okay. try not to count calories anymore (just eat the food regardless of the fat and calories.)

3. as long as you havnt had sex your okay. ull get it soon so dont worry about it.

4. just talk to ur friend about how he feels about his ex and just ask him if he is ever going to go out with you. if he says no...its time to move on but if he says yes you should ask when,Health Question & Answer

Yor problems with your periods is probly from all of all the other stressors going on in your life.
Not eating properly and your body may sending signals that it is confused and you need to pay attention to it.
Being depressed I think you need to follow in your friends footsteps and talk to your parents or talk to a councelor at school so they can help you tell your parents, so you too can get medicine to help you. It is not a shameful thing to need help once in awhile, it's worth it to feel better.
I went through a period in my teens yrs ago I was scared to talk to my mom so I went to the councelor and they called a meeting and I took one little pill for a little while until I got thru my bad period and glad I did.Health Question & Answer

1. You are probably also depressed. I have the same problem and it doesn't just go away, you could try counseling.
2. OCD
3. You could talk to your mom about the irregularity. Your doctor might put you on birthcontrol.
4. I truly don't know, sorry.Health Question & Answer

youre DEPRESSED. Sounds like you arent happy with yourself in any way. Self-medicating to dull your senses at school....you need to get a good hold on yourself. Talk to your parents or your school counselor about what you are doing. Telling perfect strangers isnt going to get you anywhere you need to go. Get your family involved, let them know you want a little help. Youre a teenager, and youre all hormonal and absolutely nuts LOL, but life is not supposed to feel the way you feel it. Life is BETTER - go find it!Health Question & Answer

4..You just got to talk to him and ask him what does he miss about his ex...Maybe you could do the things he misses..also you just got to ask him if he really does love you as a girlfriend or just a friend and tell him you like him as a boyfriend and maybe add a kiss on the cheek..

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