I have a hard time having an orgasm?!

Question: I have a hard time having an orgasm.?
i am completely open and comfortable with my husband and we have an awesome relationship, and I do get off easier with him than anyone ever before.. but it's really hard for me to still. I get self concious about things like, does my expression look silly, do i sound funny.. it's really hard for me to relax, or i get frustrated, it's much easier for me if i just do it alone for myself.. i dont understand it. i love him very much and am very happy sexually with him and we do all kinds of positions... i have girlfriends who say they don't have these problems.. i just wish i could fix it for me.
i am 26 by the way.
please only serious people answer, im not trying to be a perv, or joke about it.Health Question & Answer

I had that same problem, but not anymore. Ask him to give you oral sex. When he does, relax, pray, then fantasize about anything that turns you on, fantasize the whole time he is doing it, be patient because it won't happen in two minutes. If you do this, you will have an orgasm every single time. It works for me.Health Question & Answer

I used to have a hard time too. it didn't get any better until i became a little more selfish about it. I too used to do it alone for myself. I learned on my own that if i stimulated myself during sex that it became easier to orgasm. Sex is sex. people make faces and expressions and noises. your husband wants to see the expressions and hear the sounds you make when you are experiencing pleasure with him. Men are visual. if he sees he can drive you crazy in bed he will love it. and guys like watching there women touch themselves too. I enjoy doggy style while i play with myself. Regular KY will work.Health Question & Answer

Ok, if you have a serious relationship with your husband, then talk to him about it.
He'll understand, as he will want to make sex as pleasurable as possible for you, and im sure he'll be glad to help you as much as he can :)Health Question & Answer

You answered your own question.....any kind of nervousness or not feeling comfortable and being self conscience will hinder it every time. Stop worrying about your face and just be yourself.Health Question & Answer

talk to him about it, they may help making you not feel so self conciousHealth Question & Answer

why don't u do it with the lights out! Health Question & Answer

I'm no expert on this but i think the main fault could lay with you but dont worry, worrying does more harm than good, 26 is still young and you're just beginning to learn how your body works.Remember there are a lot of women that never climax some dont because of problems medically and some because they just cant totally let go, the latter seems like you because you've already mensioned that you have climaxed.. If you think about it most of the time when you do reach a climax is it because of something he's done or something that you've done.. I think there are a lot more women out there with this issue than you think.. The difference with men and women is men knows how to make themselves climax they know what stimulates them in body and mind, they know what feelings leads towards a climax, where as a lot of women dont and they leave it to there partners to search and find it for them, but the women who knows how there bodies tick they have a ball and they have no problems with showing you exactly what they want in order to reach that goal.. What i would suggest is try and let go of all your inhibitions and be daring enough to find out what makes yourself really really tick sexually regardless of how embarassing it may seem and just go for it and i'm sure it will start to flow more frequently.. honestly!Health Question & Answer

i think you answered your own question you think to much about it during sex. Stop worrying about it you do it easier yourself because you feel like you're not being judged. love is about acceptance too most men get more excited when their woman lets go let it be a joke if it helps to accept it the more you have sex the more easier it will become you'll find you'll both be so into it that it won't matter if you make noises often men love this. He'll be more accepting than you think. try the heating gels for excitment or a toy but i think you need to let it go first and learn to relax more than anything good luck :)~Health Question & Answer

it might help with the lights off..but after while he might start thinking its because of him... i went through the samething.. just put ur mind some where else, pick ur favorite position and relax.. im 28 and married now for about 10 years and i thought to myself when i turn 70 ima be kicking my self in the head..lol..like what was i thinking about im young NOW..my point is ur young get all the freak out u now and don't turn back lol..cause u cant turn back the hands of time. he married u cause he LOVES WHAT HE SEE ..ur his choice.. u know what tie a cloth over his eyes, maybe his arms and legs too and go free (no ones is watching,lol)..ur in control of everythingHealth Question & Answer

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