I have this burning/sharp pain under my ribs? It's worse when I inhale?!

Question: I have this burning/sharp pain under my ribs.? It's worse when I inhale.?
It is mostly on the left side but I am noticing it on both sides. I'm 12 weeks and 3 days preggo. Could that be the cause or maybe something else. What does it sound like.?Health Question & Answer

I had the same thing 6 times between 6 weeks and 17 weeks pregnant this pregnancy. I never did find out exactly what it was, but it hurt really bad, and was scary. Mine was on my right side, and was worse than labor pains at certain points...so we were afraid something was wrong with my gallbladder. After my doc did an ultrasound and couldn't see anything that looked wrong, she said it was likely just a pulled muscle, or round ligament pains, or gas! I do know that after the 3rd episode I discovered taking 2 antacids with a bottle of water, and laying on the side that hurt proped by 3 pillows (stacked like stairs on one another, with the lowest one at my waist, highest at my head), it went away within about 10 minutes.

The first 3 times it happened, I didn't know what to do and was on the verge of going to the ER. That wasn't fun. I haven't had it happen again in almost 10 weeks. Once I have the baby I am gonna have my gall bladder and intestines checked just to play it safe though.

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