What exactly is a stress test?!

Question: What exactly is a stress test.?
has any one ever taken a stress test.? my mom is going to have one done tomorrow and i was just wondering what exactly is a stress test is it some thing i should be really worried about, i mean im already worried but sure i be scared for her life.?.?please if any one has any good advice i would really love to hear it.....

Thank You.Health Question & Answer

I have not had one, but think they inject dye into the veins then have the person walk on a treadmill and try to get their heart rate up. Then they do an xray or MRI to see where the dye has gone and if there are any blockages.

It is a very common test for people over 40 or that might be having some health problems.

Don't worry until you have something to worry about. If they find something, there are great treatments and surgeries to help these days and I am sure she will be in good hands with her doctors.Health Question & Answer

I've had 2 kinds. The physical one, you walk on a treadmill until your heart rate gets to where the doctor wants it. About the only immediate problem is the pains in your legs. The chemical test is an injection that produces pretty much the same effect in your heart.

It's to test how her heart works "under load" - when it's really called on to work. The test is nothing to be afraid of, but ask her to discuss the reason the doctor ordered the test with you. Once you understand you'll be less afraid.

(The medical field has gone pretty far. I had 2 pretty bad heart attacks and 9 years after the second one I'm still driving 35 miles to work every day. If they're doing a stress test, it's probably just precautionary - to prevent anything from happening. But ask her to discuss it with you - AFTER the test. She's nervous too right now.)Health Question & Answer

No don't be worried

its just a test to show how presure she is casuing on her body . i am going for one my self in liek 10 or so days .. i was told that you run on a treild mill and doctors keep trak of you heart beat and breathing. Just sit down and talk with your mom i'm sure she will be glad to tell you . if not maybe theres stuff on her mind that is causeing her to be stresssed you might want to lay easy on her , dont pick a fight or not do the dishes as she askes untill shes feeling betterHealth Question & Answer

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