Can a UTI or bladder infection cause bedwetting?!

Question: Can a UTI or bladder infection cause bedwetting.?
My girlfriend has been complaining of frequently having the urge to urinate but not passing much urine.She says she feels a little fatigued & lacks energy.Last night she urinated while she was sleeping.She is very embarrassed about it.Could she have a UTI/Bladder infection & could that have caused the bedwetting.?Health Question & Answer

That sounds exactly like a UTI/bladder infection. I diagnose them by just such symptoms every day and I'm betting the accuracy is well over 90%. Send her in to her doc right away, before it progresses. They will test her and probably start her on and antibiotic like Cipro (which is what my wife just got done taking).

If the symptoms perdist after the medicine run, report it back right away as these little buggers can hide in the bladder and keep coming back if the antibiotic wasn't strong enough or the right one. My mother had one that took 6 months and 4 different antibiotics to finally kill. As you might guess, there is sometimes as much art as science in figuring out what will work for each person and their particular bug.

At this point, home remedies like drinking cranberry juice will NOT work. Have her make the appointment TODAY.

Tell her: In the future, drink cran juice to help prevent more infections. Always pee completely out so urine doesn't sit in the bladder and let infections grow. Pee before and after sex. Same with washing. Take showers instead of baths as that lets gravity take bacteria down the drain. Baths let water into the vagina and urethra that can have bacteria in it.

Once you have had one UTI/bladder infection, you will be more vulnerable to them compared to someone who has never had one. Most people who get one WILL get them again, so do all you can to minimize the risks...
Best wishes,
Ed, RNHealth Question & Answer

Yes, a UTI or bladder infection can cause urination while asleep.

It sounds like whatever infection she has, has progressed and should see her doctor today. If she/he is not available, go to a walk in clinic.

In the meantime, let her rest and have her drink some cranberry juice. But do make sure she gets seen by a doctor.

Untreated infections can make a person quite ill.Health Question & Answer

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