What is best for UTI?!

Question: What is best for UTI.?
Is D Mannose Urinary Tract Cleanse 120Caps 500 better than AZO cranberry supplement.?
I have had constant UTI for the past three months. I go to the doctor get tested, have a high white blood cell count, the do a urine culture and the culture comes back with no growth.(which means no infection) I have been on macro bid and a stronger antibiotic, even penicillin. I was put on penicillin for a different kind of bacterial infection. then shortly it came back so i decided to stop going to the family doctor. Went to the gyno and they tested me for BV (bacterial vaganois) which i ended up having. So she gave me some kind of cream that i had to insert like a tampon. Then at the same time I had a yeast infection(from all the antibiotics) and a uti that eventually showed no growth. Health Question & Answer

I would suggest getting your doctor to put you on a very low dose anti-biotic that you take every day. This will prevent over growth of bacteria.
Some tips:
-DO NOT DOUCHE douching gets rid of good bacteria and bad bacteria, therefore you have no protection against infection because you've washed away the good bacteria that help protect you
-pee before and after sex
-DON'T HOLD YOUR URINE! Even if it feels like you don't need to go, sit on the toilet anyway every couple hours
-I know it sounds weird and gross but just in case -- never put anything non-sterile in your vagina (except the obvious --- you obviously don't need to sterilize your significant other's parts!)
-Drink cranberry juice daily or you can try the cranberry pills

To reduce pain/symptoms:

-AZO -- you can buy it at the drug store or get a prescription for pyridium from the Dr. but it is honestly the same thing and if you don't have good insurance, go for the AZO.
-Warm baths
-LOTS of water -- even though it hurts when you pee

Good luck. Hope this helps.
And as far as getting rid of what you have now, you need anti-biotics.Health Question & Answer

D Mannose works for UTI's, cranberry has been proven to mask symptoms and reduce symptoms but not cure the infection. So, yes, D Mannose is the best OTC for UTI, and much better than any cranberry extract could be. Combine the two though, use them both and it shoyuld not only cure the infection, but leave you much more comfortable.

And, add in acidophilus and other probiotics. The problem now, too many antibiotics wiped out the natural balance in your body. The probiotics will re-balance everything and that should do a lot in preventing future infections.Health Question & Answer

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