Ways to help control my emotions? I'm 13 hormones really acting up?!

Question: Ways to help control my emotions.? I'm 13 hormones really acting up.?
My hormones have been like out of control lately, and so have my emotions. I just had a huge fight with my mom eventually i got to talk to her about it and now we're fine, but sometimes it seems like i cant control my emotions at all! if someone gets me going i cant stop! does any one have any advice please!Health Question & Answer

If you haven't already, you are most likely going to start your period soon. And don't worry. It will be okay and there is nothing wrong with you. As we grow, our bodies need to adjust to these changes, and our bodies may not adjust easily! You could get acne, or gain/lose weight. But that is totally normal. If your hormones go way out of control, especially around the time of your period, start considering going on the birth control pill. I did it, and it worked wonders! The pill also helps with acne, cramps, and heavy or long periods. Birth control does not mean you have to be having sex! Many of my friends have taken the same route as me, and it had nothing to do with sex. Although, if you decide to begin having sex, if you haven't already, the pill will help prevent unwanted pregnancy. But always remeber, use a condom! The pill does not protect against ANY FORM OF STD!!! So, talk to your mom/dad/guardian about going to the doctor, then ask for the doctors advice. And don't worry, EVRYTHING WILL BE OKAY!Health Question & Answer

13.?.?.? Normal. Solution... Get into sports, dance, acting, animals.?.?.? or anything that makes you move and distract you. Don't let your emotions overcome you at this age or it will direct you life later. Get out of the house and get into the game of life. Sports, Acting, Community sevice. ie Nursing homes, Vetern hospitals, Animal shelters, Sunday school, etc. Making others happy, usually makes you happy. The holidays are coming. You can make great gift bags at the dollar store. Food, gifts etc. Try itHealth Question & Answer

Hmm... Birth control tamed my hormones quite a bit. You might be a bit young, and your parents may not enjoy the prospect of it, but it does help... If you do decide to proceed in that direction, though, don't just settle for the first kind if it doesn't feel right. Of course, you should give your body time to get used to the hormones, but if it changes you... Find another one. The first one I tried (and at the time, it WAS purely for hormonal control) made me completely blank for 6 months. NuvaRing, I believe. Eventually I was conscious enough to take myself off of it, and then an ovarian cyst began to form... I'm now on a pill (the hormones prevent cysts, by the way, yet another wonderful effect), Junel Fe, and I'm myself again- but controlled. I can channel my creativity again, I can participate in heated discussions *and* think clearly, etc.... Pretty great. As I mentioned, your parents may not go for it immediately, but it isn't as uncommon as you may think (taking corrective hormones). In fact, I think they may even have some low-dosage ones that won't prevent pregnancy, but will balance your moods, if that makes them more willing...Health Question & Answer

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