Omg i have to get bloodwork and im very needlephobic?!

Question: Omg i have to get bloodwork and im very needlephobic.?
i found out i went home and cried im so scared i cant take a needle! nvm they take out blood! ugh someone help me idk what to do im scared and i have to go! i cant take a needle [dont help that my doctor practacally stabbed the needle in my arm] but still how do i stay calm during thisHealth Question & Answer

im a needle phobic too...i nearly fainted when they drew some blood 15.....i have always been a needle phobic.....the only time i didnt cry when i was little was thinking about i think the music is a good idea.... and make sure to look away...i usually have someone there to hold my hand as well...i get tense but thats bad so just relax....good luck :)Health Question & Answer

Close your eyes, look away, do some relaxing breathing...
Pretend you're somewhere else, somewhere relaxing or fun or something...
Sorry, I don't mean to sound all wise and yoga-ish, so if that doesn't help, try this:
Sing your favorite song (while looking away from the needle of course) as loud as you can and instead of having to worry about the needle, you'll be to busy worrying about how crazy people think you are right now. But hey, if it works, who cares right.? Besides, I'm sure if you explain this to the doctors they'll understand.

I hope I helped! Good luck! ;-)Health Question & Answer

I hate it too.
I shake the arm by my side that they are going to take the blood from to help open it and have the veins full. I have low blood pressure.
What I do is look at a picture or at anything but the needle. Usually they will tell you you are going to feel a little sting or prick. So, ask them to tell you when they are going to do it.

I close my eyes and breathe calmly until it is all over.
It's over before I know it and they put a cotton ball and bandaid on.
Then it is done.Health Question & Answer

I am the exact same way.
I hate when people say "it's only a prick, it doesn't hurt".
I cried for an hour after my last blood test.

-Before you go in, take a herbal sedative to calm you down.
-Bring your mp3/walkman and blast your favourite song to take your mind off it.
-Keep your arm straight! I know you'll want to clench up your arm but it hurts less when it's straight.
-Tell the doctor/nurse you're afraid of needles. they'll be more likely to be as gentle as possible or at least gentler than they would be on someone who doesn't mind them.
- DON'T LOOK till you're sure it's done. It's absolutely sickening to watch especially if you're afraid.
- Bring a family member/ friend with you to hug while it's happening. It helps. :)

Hope I helped.

please answer mine if u can:
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Be up front with your doctor. Tell them you are really scared. It cannot hurt to ask if they have a nurse who is experienced at drawing blood from young children or people with needle phobias. It might seem silly but the nurses who are good at drawing from kids are usually quick and skilled in the tender art of distracting patients. ^_-

Good luck!Health Question & Answer

You can buy Emla to freeze the skin from a pharmacy. You put it on your skin an hour beforehand.

Let them know that you are afraid of needles... many people are so they know how to deal with it. When they are about to do it, take a big deep breath in and then slowly let it out while focusing on something else... hum a song in your head, or think of something funny.

Its over in seconds.Health Question & Answer

ha ha. no worries! i have the same thing. i had to get tested for lime disease (and it turned out i got it) and so my mom called my doctor and asked if they had any numbing stuff and they sent the prescription over to the drug store, and it worked wonders! i couldn't even feel it! so, just tell your mom to please call your doctor for numbing stuff and you'll have to put it on an hour prior so it works:] but it worked amazingly!Health Question & Answer

maybe you could try some deep breathing excersizes or sing a song in your head and then when it comes time to have it done, do what you practiced. or maybe have someone go with you that can you can look at and talk to while they do it to keep your mind off of whats going on.Health Question & Answer

I know it's tough to handle when you have a phobia like yours. Try laying down and looking away. With many places you have to request to lay down while they do it. It'll be over before you know it.
Another way of (somewhat) relaxing yourself, is to bring an Ipod and just listen to music and try not to focus on what's going on.
Good luck!Health Question & Answer

close your eyes and tell him not to tell you when he gives it. you won't even feel it, or at least hardly. try listening to music maybe so it distracts you Health Question & Answer

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