Is it normal to be this Down when on your period?!

Question: Is it normal to be this Down when on your period.?
I've been getting my period for 7 years now and I know that with periods come hormones and emotions, food cravings, cramps etc.....but the past 6 months each time I get my period I get really sad and depressed, even when the cramps go away all I do is sit on the couch curled in a blanket sometimes crying- not from anything particular I just it normal to be extremely sad while going through your period.? usually after it ends I'm fine but I want to be cheerful because my sadness makes people think I'm mad at them. Any kind of food I can avoid or eat to feel just a tad bit more happier .?

Thanks!Health Question & Answer

Unfortunately being that sad when on your period isnt abnormal. It really sucks I know! I get like that too, I cry at commercials! haha
I guess when people think they are mad at you, just let them know that you arent feeling well. I tell them that, and it usually clears things up.
I would only avoid foods you dont wanna eat lol I swear foods you love are a mood elevator so I give into my cravings, I have also found ice cream to help ;)

For the heartburn I use Tums a lot. Or chewable pepto bismol tablets (the liquid makes me puke lol) And for the not sleeping there are safe sleeping pills called Unisom. They help you ease into sleep and they arent habit forming. I use them when I am sick and cant sleep.

Feel better soon!

P.S I saw you had a question about underactive thyroid. You dont allow email so if you still have questions about it let me know cause I have underactive thyroid.Health Question & Answer

yes this is normal and welcome to this wonderful thing women are blessed with just joking. Studies have shown that if you drink a lot of milk you don't tent to pms so much. Another thing you may want to consider is going to your doctor and explaining this situation, because I know it is difficult to concentrate on you normal day , when you have this surprise each month . hang in there drink a lot of milkHealth Question & Answer

Alot of women have this problem.
Let your OBYN or family physician know.
The doctor can prescribe medication to balance you out.
Thankfully, depression and hormone imbalance can be treated. Don't be concerned if the first prescription doesn't work out because some medicines may work for you and others may not..Health Question & Answer

yes, it's pms, you'd be suprised how a lotta girls get, i mean you think your crazy, theres always somebody crazier, also, if your on birth control that could also be why, birth control ***** wit your head all crazy.Health Question & Answer

Same here, but I don't cry that much. I am just depressed and I'm too sensitive when I have my period. Eat chocolates, eat can make you feel good.Health Question & Answer

yes, might be.Health Question & Answer

That's probably what is normal for you. Like, I get extremely short tempered even during the middle of cycle. I feel really angry and depressed, and I might cry, scream, or feel hopeless sometimes. One time, I got so upset and stressed out after an 1 1/2 in traffic and I was terrified of being fired from my job and losing my place to live and not being able to pay off debts, I actually punched my car windshield and cracked it! Oops! I didn't even feel the cuts on my hand! That never happened again, and I found healthier ways of dealing with anger, like counting to ten or yoga/meditation, but my point is that we all have times when we feel horrible and we can't take it anymore, or days when we feel hopeless. A lot of academic, financial, marital, or job stress, or other troubles in the home can aggravate it. When I get my period, I often feel especially better, though. I get a headache, some cramps, or whatever, but I don't feel sad at all then. I feel like a fog has been lifted from my brain, and I can think more clearly. Basically, I think different things happen to different people. Over the years, We have come to view these things as a disorder. I heard a female doctor discussing this online recently, and I found it interesting. So much of this is a result of our own reactions to normal hormonal changes in our bodies combined with fluctuating and uncontrollable elements in our lives. She talked about how she felt a lot of the male researchers had viewed women as having a problem, hysteria, or having an imbalance, or something that needs to be "fixed". Something that I've come to realize, is that I know I'm not going to feel the same every day, but seeing myself as normal and not disordered has been the first step towards feeling better about myself, and has enabled me to cope. If I start feeling like "oh, I'm so useless, what is the point of my life," I know to tell myself, "Ok, this is one of those times when you are feeling down. What happened today.? Was somebody rude, did you lose your favorite ring, was your boss mean, did you get fired.?" Often, I can logically figure out what is bothering me, after I go for a jog (exercise helps), take a warm shower, drink a cup of cocoa, or watch my favorite TV program. I might say..."Oh yeah, my ex-boyfriend wrote me an email that hurt my feelings. That really made me feel angry." It's ok to feel things. Our culture has a bizarre stigma against people feeling anything but utter glee 24/7. If a guy breaks up with a girl, it's because she was supposedly "psycho". In our emotionally, financially, and physically stressful and draining times, we wouldn't be normal if we enjoyed every moment of the 3 hours of traffic we sat in, or the sexual harassment we dealt with from a supervisor or even a traffic cop. Depending on the time of the month, sometimes it's harder to cope with all the wild things life throws at us, but knowing it's ok to have what may have been long ago wrongly called "a nervous breakdown" sometimes is good. It's ok to cry and release all that stress. And I think it's healthy. All those male doctors that want to call our responses to normal hormonal shifts a "syndrome", should rethink their analysis of the woman's body and mind... (for heartburn, take Prilosec OTC 1 hour before meal 1X day. Do this for a several days prior and a few days after you expect trouble. and u can take up to 2 Pepsid Complete chewables. Contact your doctor, if you continue to have problems. Sometimes, they will have you take 2 prilosec per day and will have you take a tiny, tiny dose of xanax, which relaxes the stomach, and prevents the sometimes painful stomach spasms which can send the acid up into the esophagus. also, avoid acidic foods (tomatoes, oranges) high fat foods, sodas, etc.Health Question & Answer

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