Girls please help... Discharge?!

Question: Girls please help... Discharge.?
I am having like a pretty light discharge almost everyday what dose this mean.? I havent had my period yet. And i sont really think im all that close to it. Not really developed.
Thanks alot!! ^_^Health Question & Answer

well, its normal for girls to get dishcharge in their underwear before their period...but you can have it like a year before you even get your first me!
i had mine like 6 months ago (and i was 15, almost 16 and am 16 now)...i was short with small chest, but then i had a growth spurt...for like a year or so i had boob growth haha that sounds funny, and hair down there, etc.
But one day i noticed a light blood on my underwear and knew it was i hate it haha luckily its irregular still and i dont get it too often..
however, dont worry
unless it smells like fish and looks like cottage cheese, youre fine, your just one more step into puberty
every girl goes through it

anywyas, dont worry bout it!
youre fine, but if theres a lot of discharge and you dont want it to soak your panties, just wear a panty liner...(ur mom prolly has some...mine didnt tho...she had cervical cancer, so she had premenopause...and no pads were at my house till i was like 14!)

cheers! youre growing up!
Health Question & Answer

It's perfectly normal. It's just your body cleaning it's self out.

Vaginal discharge is the result of secretions produced from small glands in the lining of the vagina and the cervix.

All women have a little discharge starting a year or two before puberty and ending after the menopause. How much discharge a woman notices changes from time to time and it will change quite a lot between periods.

How much discharge is normal.?

The amount of discharge varies from woman to woman. Different women probably also have different opinions of what is normal. But if it always involves using panty shields, or changing protection or underwear several times a day, then it is probably heavier than normal and a doctor should be consulted.

The amount of discharge is often influenced by hormonal changes in the woman's body. The week before a period, being pregnant or using the oral contraceptive pill are all typically associated with an increase in vaginal discharge.
Health Question & Answer

Most girls experience a clear or whitish, mucous vaginal discharge for three to six months before they have their first menstrual period.

The discharge is caused by the effects of the female hormone, estrogen, on the vagina and the uterus. However there are always variations of normal. Not having a period within six months of the start of the discharge is not a cause for concern. But if you don

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