Freaking out over my period. warning. TMI?!

Question: Freaking out over my period. warning. TMI.?
i am on my period. its like the second day. but it is the wierdest most disgusting period ever. it started off like brownish pinkish and very light.
and today it got heavier. and there were so many clots. like there was this nasty *** one when i wiped, it was long and dark red and thin kinda fleshy and then when i pulled out my tampon like a huge clot came out. (TMI sooooo sorry). and in general my period has a lot more bright red blood this month than normal. but also a normal amt of like the brownish.
what is up with this.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

it's normal.
it's just the lining of your uterus.

my periods are like that too.
it changes each month, and it's pretty much the
horrors of being a woman.Health Question & Answer

So i asked my docter about normal periods and she told me that when your period is darker its just cause its older, the newwer blood that comes out with be a brighter red. and the clots are normal every one gets them, its just like having a bloody noise, it clots up too. everything from what you said seems normal.

When i first started my period i didnt have cramps at all.
and no they are so bad that i cant go to school when i have them i just stay in bed all day cause i cant move and i get really nasious. thats normal too.

the only time you would have to worry about not having a normal period is if it goes past nine days, or if its green and has a really bad odor. otherwise its probrobly normal.Health Question & Answer

awe hun don't worry about the TMI, i have asked many a period question haha.
well, if you are in your teens or pre-menopausal especially, you can probably peg it down to regular hormonal changes, resulting in a different flow.
the clots are just what happens when you have a heavier period, if they are shinier then usual, you may have a surge in estrogen. talk to your doctor, birth control would help this.
try going to the mayo clinic's website, or else google search "self diagnosis" and input your symptoms.
good luck :) Health Question & Answer

Your period can have light and heavy days. Brown blood is old blood that didn't bleed out from your last cycle. Blot clots are normal. Sometimes there might be a bit of scar tissue in them.
Don't worry too much about your period becoming heavier. Your cycle can change so fast depending on how much you stress, change your eating patterns or exercise.

Hmm, if I were you stick to one painkiller and don't take it more than 3 days otherwise you'll start to feel ill. I'm not saying that. It usually says on the pack and I once took Buscopan for over three days and had complications.
I think Paracetamol and Buscopan are the best pain relievers when it comes to period pain.Health Question & Answer

sounds pretty normal to me - I've found that motrin works the best for me. bright red blood is fresh blood, the brownish kind is a little older. and for me its different month by month how bad the cramps are - some months are ok and some months are terrible.Health Question & Answer

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