I can't get my girlfriend to orgasm!?!

Question: I can't get my girlfriend to orgasm!.?
20/m, she's a 19/f. We met in college and have been dating for 8 months. We were virgins when we met but had sex around the 3rd month. I've just been exploring her body and trying to figure it all out.

We communicate great and she tells me exactly what she likes, but I cannot give her an orgasm. She says she doesn't like oral sex, but she's fine to give it. I've tried setting the mood, giving her massages, lots of fingering and lube, and passionate sex. She STILL can't orgasm. I know it's not an intimacy issue because she is completely comfortable with me and natural. She is also very relaxed when we have sex. I asked her about it tonight and she said she doesn't masturbate because it weirded her out. She's not a prude / religious and is pretty open with her sexuality.

I dunno where i'm going with this, but I want to push her over the edge. She says it all feels amazing and im great in bed, but I can't get her right over that edge.

Thanks in advance for listening to my rambling postHealth Question & Answer

Hon, you sound like a wonderful, caring boyfriend. What she needs to do is explore her own body on her own time to learn to give herself an orgasm. Or the two of you can work on this together, perhaps trying different positions, sex toys, or a lot more foreplay beforehand. Considering that sex really starts in the brain, perhaps you should work on romancing her during the day (if possible). That may have an effect on the outcome too. I hope some of the suggestions you are getting on here work for the both of you...Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Some women don't orgasm. That's all there is to it. It might change in the future and it isn't necessarily anything you are or aren't doing. It might change in the future but I know quite a few girls that have never orgasmed while having sex. However, it doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy the sex.Health Question & Answer

I can't orgasm all the time either. It either happens or it doesn't with me, 2 out of 5 times it will. The other 3, I just say, oh well, maybe next time. Maybe try some toys.? Different positions. Mix it up. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

Its much harder to expect anyone else to be able to do it for you if you can't even do it yourself...she really does need to explore what does it for her. 9/10 women require clitoral stimulation to climax.Health Question & Answer

keep trying.

if she doesn't masturbate then it's harder. she needs to relax more and explore herself too.

just try all sorts of stuff.Health Question & Answer

10% of women never do, just keep trying and having funHealth Question & Answer

A few things you can do really. First, she needs to be educated on her own body. Sounds ridiculous, I know. But she needs to learn the signs of an orgasm. A female orgasm will give the feeling of having to urinate just before hand, and most girls if they dont know this will stop just before an orgasm.
Second thing you can do is buy some toys that vibrate and play with those as well. Maybe let her play alone a bit too so she can learn her body a bit.
Third, play with her clit. If she pushes you away, or cant stand it, give it a break, then go back to it. It really is a big thing for a girl, and alot of girls will *** quickly with clitoral stimulation, but most girls cant stand much for long. Health Question & Answer

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