Serious question-how strong is your vaginal odour supposed to be?!

Question: Serious question-how strong is your vaginal odour supposed to be.?
I am a virgin, and I smell pretty strongly down there. My discharge is a normal colour and everything. But, I am wondering if I may have an infection. Like what are the symptoms for a yeast infection.? What could this be.?Health Question & Answer

i would be seeing a doctor if i was you, as you well know, some vagina's smell but there normally is a reason for it, your doctor is the best place to find out, not here on yahoo people will tell you anything on here, this is not just an odour but your health we are talking about. better to be safe than sorry, good luck.Health Question & Answer

Two things will make you wet "down there".

1) Your genitals keep themselves clean and healthy by sort of "rinsing" themselves with the fluids that they make... sometimes there's quite a bit of fluid and it can leak out a *lot*, so wearing panty liners or even light pads can be a good thing to help keep your clothes clean.

2) When your body is aroused sexually ("turned on" or "horny", even if you're not doing or thinking anything sexual) your genitals will get wetter and slipperier... sometimes very, *very* wet... so that a penis can slide in there comfortably if you have sex like it's telling you it wants (you don't have to, of course).

I'm a cook, so the only things I can really compare the healthy smell of a vagina/vulva to are foods and such... and the nearest I can think of is a fairly mild combination of fresh oysters and grated truffles - usually more on the sea-like side, but not "fishy" and certainly not unpleasant. It often smells stronger when you're sexually aroused (or when you're sweaty after exercise or have spent most of a day in tight pants or clinging underwear), but not always.

If the stuff is clear or slightly milky (might be tinted faintly yellow or brown), slippery to maybe a little sticky, and smells "earthy, animal and a little like the ocean", it's almost certainly healthy and good. If it smells truly fishy or otherwise bad, it's probably an infection and you should see a doc.Health Question & Answer

If you have bathed and still have an odor it could be an infection. You should have almost no smell if you are healthy. With a yeast infection you will have itching in and around the vagina and maybe redness or even bleeding if bad.Health Question & Answer

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