How should my wife and I gain weight?!

Question: How should my wife and I gain weight.?
I am a 24 year old male My wife and I are both very far underweight. She is anorexic, so I'll admit to having manorexia. I'm 6'7" and not even 150 lbs. My wife is 5'3"ish and weighs in the early 90s, even just giving birth.

Both of us are often sick. I need to gain about 50-60 lbs, but how much for my wife.? We're both 24. It's getting to the point that it totally interferes with our every day lives. How do we pack on the pounds.? How should we change our diets.? Both of us are very active people. Thanks.Health Question & Answer

First I wana say that thats pretty stupid on both your parts to have a child while being so underweight, That could have caused complications you wouldnt even understand if I told you about. Okay now that I got that out of my system, Your wife should be looking to gain around 40--50 pounds. You cant go from being anorexic to eating like crazy overnight so dont try to, you will just mess your system up even more. Start eating (large sized for you) healthy meals with as much protein as you can get in them. Try and workout as much as possible too, (yeah I know your trying to gain weight) dont concentrate on cardio but more on actual weight training. Remember muscle weighs more then fat. This way you will build body and muscle mass while gaining weight so you dont end up just getting a big belly.Health Question & Answer

I would suggest visiting with a nutritionist to explore options for optimum body weight index and overall feelings of health. I am suprised that you managed to get pregnant if she was (is) anorexic. Slow you life down a bit, relax more and enjoy your new baby.Health Question & Answer

The doctor recently had me get my underweight daughter some Boost or Ensure drinks, to drink one everyday.Health Question & Answer

Ice creme.?Health Question & Answer

Hi, I'm answering for Robert (im his girlfriend). Im 22, 5'3 and weigh 125lbs. My roommate is 22, 4'11 and weights 91lbs. So yeah, gaining some weight is crucial. I gained 17lbs once i started taking BCpills (2-3mths), so maybe that is an option. also, try eating more meals throughout the day. Which is obviously hard, i know without the pill it was hard for me to eat more than once, and i could have a bowl of cereal for the day. Just stomach down burgers, pizza, all the good ole fatty foods. I know my guy friends like to get on protein's to gain weight for football. Maybe you can try that, but dont forget to work out, yall dont want to end up on the other side of the spectrum. hope to be of some help.Health Question & Answer

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