What age did you become attracted to guys?!

Question: What age did you become attracted to guys.?
I'm thirteen, and all the girls in my school are "boy-crazy". They're always talking about guys and saying when this one or that one is hot or whatever. I'm not really feeling like that. I don't know, I'm just not attracted to guys that way. Does that mean I'm just not getting those hormones or whatever yet.? Because I'm not attracted to guys, or women either, and I think it might have to do with puberty or whatever, and I dunno... Just please explain this to me because I feel like some weirdo. I've gotten my period once, but it hasn't come back for months and months.. Am I just not mature enough to get those feelings or something.?Health Question & Answer

It doesn't make you a weirdo, it means you're one of the rare girls in this world who have substance. Sure, technically, puberty has to do with it, but for the most part, its our comfort level & our needs. You just don't see a need to be with a boy yet, you may have bigger goals. This is an amazing thing, truly. I admire girls like you, I really think it gives you time to grow individually, which is very hard to do at your age especially if you're dating someone. Relationships at your age don't tend to be serious ones, you know you argue over who commented who on myspace & really irrelevant things. You're actually VERY mature for your age, be proud :).Health Question & Answer

It has nothing to do with how mature you are or puberty..There are a couple of reasons that you might not feel attracted to anyone. One, maybe you haven't met anyone that's your type yet. There might not be anyone that you feel you could have a relationship with. Two, you're just not that crazy to find someone to have a crush on. You're normal, don't worry. Don't try to force yourself to like someone. The time will come on its own when you begin to like someone.Health Question & Answer

It's perfectly fine. I was like that in 8th grade too. I didn't really care about liking someone or anything. Some girls were saying how they got butterflies and everything and they get "good" feelings meaning they get horny. I was like what.? LOL. I never felt that way until I started going to high school and around 14 I got all boy crazy out of nowhere. Once you start flirting with guys you will catch on and get these strange feelings. It's alright, it's normal. Once you get older you'll obviously become sexually active and attracted more to guys *or girls, whatever suites you*Health Question & Answer

dont worry about itt.
your Not a weirdo When your ready to be boy crazy you will be or even girl crazy. I was boy crazy very young but alot of my friends were more focused on other things and thats completly normal everything comes at its time.
and your period will come randomly the first few times it will take time for it to come when its supposed to. Health Question & Answer

you sound just like me your not a lesbian your just not boy crazy which is a good thing boys at that age can really be a$$holes lol...but i didn't really get attracted to boys untill i was 15yrs old and i wasn't really seriously emotionally involved with a boy until 18yrs old...so nothing is wrong with you, your just not interested in boys right nowHealth Question & Answer

I know what you're feeling! I'm just like that. I'm 12 and I know exactly what you're going through. You are perfectly okay, and you're not alone! I feel so relieved... I now know that I'm not alone, either! :DHealth Question & Answer

about 7 months old Health Question & Answer

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