After an orgasm I had a strong painful cramp for about 2 mins. Why?!

Question: After an orgasm I had a strong painful cramp for about 2 mins. Why.?
This has only happened once to me when I was "by myself" :) and it freaked me out because the pain was so intense. Like have a menstrual cramp really bad. Does anyone know what this means.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

an orgasm in plain talk is just a pleasurable contraction of pelvic muscles. in very intense orgasms, it is possible that the contraction goes beyond just the pelvic muscles to the abdominal or leg muscles due to blood flow and physical response.

if the pain is extremely intense, maybe question your methods.? don't worry, there's nothing medically detrimental about a very intense orgasm.

to avoid cramps in general, it's a good idea to drink 5 or more glasses of water a day and eat foods high in potassium, such as bananas. hope i could help!Health Question & Answer

if you have a painful cramp that lasts two minutes, that might be something to ask a dr. about. if it only happened once and you've had several orgasms since then, by yourself or with someone else, then i wouldn't worry.

lately i get a weird cramp like pain after i get myself off, too. but it has happened several times, and it hurts for like 30 seconds or so.

its more common to get a cramp in your hand, or in your legs/feet from clenching, sometimes i get almost a charlie horse sensation in my thighs from tightening my muscles without thinking about it. maybe you pulled an internal (vaginal.?) muscle. like said - one time with no after effects is probably nothing.

to be on the safe side - i would go to the doctor if its been a year or more since your last ob/gyn pelvic exam.

may you have many more happy non-painful orgasms in the future :)Health Question & Answer

Ur not alone I have no idea why this happens either but as I'm having an orgasm I get the strongest muscle cramp in my leg and its happened to me a few times. It hurts so bad I asked my do c n she just told me not to loose that!!!!!!Health Question & Answer

it must have been a really good one.

i had one where my legs wouldn't stop shaking. after 20 minutes i got a little worried.

i guess it's because of the blood circulation. someone else may be able to explain it better.Health Question & Answer

sometimes when u orgasm your uterus will contract usually this only happens in pregnancy but it is possible for it to happen if youre not, just your musclesHealth Question & Answer

no idea but i have had the same thing...Health Question & Answer

I kno ur a girl ..but guys get the same.. like i get a big cramp in my leg sometimes...or the sudden need for a sandwhichHealth Question & Answer

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