I'm on the pill and getting my period mid-cycle?!

Question: I'm on the pill and getting my period mid-cycle.?
I have been on the pill for about 4 months now, and for the first four months everything has been totally fine...I've been getting my cycles regularly and in time with the pills. Well, this month I'm only on my 2nd week of regular pills and I have a full on period. I take them at the same time every day, and I have never missed a pill. I'm very confused, and just wanted to know if anyone knew anything about this. Is it normal.? Health Question & Answer

Spotting is normal enough. Having a full-blown period doesn't seem all that normal, though it doesn't sound like a red flag for anything other than your hormones getting a bit messed up.

You're on your 4th month--which means your hormones are still settling down.

However, it doesn't hurt to call your doctor's "nurse line" or other minor medical advice line (many doctors & hospitals have them) to ask whether anything further needs to be done. If it does, most likely it'll be something like changing your prescription.

You should have made an appointment for your ob/gyn for about three or four months after starting the pills--if you've got one and it's coming up soon, you could ask then. They usually do those follow-ups because a rare side-effect of birth control pills is high blood pressure, and they're checking for that; but there's no reason you can't use the opportunity to ask about your weird period.Health Question & Answer

Call your doctor. You may need a stronger dose than what you are taking. As for the sudden change; women's hormones can change at the drop of a hat, for no reason at all, or because of something serious. That's why I think the best thing to do is call your doctor. Health Question & Answer

A lot of times the lower hormone pills cause breakthrough bleeding. Try a pill with one level of hormone (all pills same color, except sugar pills) like Ortho Cyclen rather than Ortho Tri-Cyclen which has 3 levels.Health Question & Answer

That happens sometimes when you just start. You haven't been on it that long it happens sometimes. I was a week early last month because I recently switched to a different brand.Health Question & Answer

This is totally normal. This will happen pretty regularly...or "irregularly" as it were. Health Question & Answer

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