Anxiety+the contraceptive pill?!

Question: Anxiety+the contraceptive pill.?
So I saw a GP the other day because of a certain anxiety issue i've had since god knows when. It is worse when I have my period, which leads me to believe this problem is hormonal. The doctor recommended I consider going on a form of the contraceptive pill (I don't know which) which will help with this issue. Has anyone else had the same thing.? And does the contraceptive pill really help with hormonal related issues.?Health Question & Answer

If it's hormonally related (anxiety disorder), then the pill can help because it regulates your hormones.

I was prescribed the pill long before I ever had sex because of a problem I have that causes EXTREMELY painful menstration due to large cysts that grow on my ovaries. The pill has helped me incredibly. I tried going off the pill and the following month I could barely move or breathe during that time!Health Question & Answer

actually i believe it really can help. I had pmdd [] and once i started on birth control it REALLY helped. Before I started on it, I would become so depressed that i'd lock myself in a bathroom and cry for a good 24+ hrs.. I'd get so mad that i'd punch anything i could. Now i DO have an underlying depression/anxiety disorder, but the birth control was a GODSEND. seriously. I've been on the shot for 3 years [which i really wouldn't recommend due to its long long list of side effects] and Now my moods are more regulated, there isn't as HUGE of a swing there used to be and i [or my boyfriend for that matter] don't spend 2 weeks a month in fear of outbursts, anxiety problems or ..well.. drama :)
It could really help you out a lot!!!!!Health Question & Answer

its suppose to help kind of regulate your hormones...... it should also help you not have as many cramps and you'll have lighter periods. so yes... it has a lot of benefits, regulating your hormones is one of them..... id try yaz...Health Question & Answer

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