Random questions about the pill?!

Question: Random questions about the pill.?
I was wondering how to calculate when ovulation is.? Do i calculate my period pills as well.?(E.g. I take 21 days worth of pills, then 7 'period' pills) so is my cycle 21 or 28 days.? (Really sorry if that was confusing!)

And also when going by your lmp, do you calculate it as the first day you take your period pill or the first day you bleed.?

Im not pregnant, just curious to know =)Health Question & Answer

Just so that you know, you do NOT ovulate when you are on the pill. The hormones released by the pill keeps your body from releasing an egg and thus keeping it from getting fertilized by sperm and producing a baby. However, your cycle is 28 days while on the birth control pills....7 days of pills for 3 weeks + 1 week of inactive pills = 28 OR for the 21 day pack....7 days of pills for 3 weeks + 1 week of no pills = 28 days.

ETA: People become pregnant while on the pill because they may miss taking their pill. By even taking your pill a couple of hours later than what you usually take it, it can in-turn effect how effective the pill is at keeping your body from releasing an egg. People may have drug interactions with the pill and therefore decrease its effectiveness. No form of contraception is 100% safe except for abstinence.

Hope this helps.Health Question & Answer

You're not supposed to ovulate on the pill so calculations won't help at all.

You can do, but if you do then it doesn't happen at a regular time of the month. Usually people ovulate because they weren't taking their pills correctly. Sometimes ovulation can happen anyway, but another action the pill does is make the cervical thicker so it's hard for sperm to penetrate.

When using the pill women have to sometimes use a back-up method of contraception if they take other medications or isomething, but in the nformation for the pill it says that you can't use mucus or temperature methods because they are not reliable when you are on the pill as it changes those functions.

HarrietHealth Question & Answer

If on the pill, you don't ovulate. That's the whole reason for taking the pill. Your menstrual cycle is 28 days, at least that's what we learned in wellness last year. My doctor told me that pills 21-28 allow you to actually menstruate (bleed).
Not sure what lmp means, you'd have to elaborate a little.Health Question & Answer

u arent ovulating if u are on the pill. its supposed to stop ovulation but if u mean when ur not on the pill its very variable.. can get an idea from changes in ur mucous and body core temparature and somw women feel ovulation. or u need a progesterone blood test to e 100% sure.Health Question & Answer

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