I have a question about PMS (girls, please please help)?!

Question: I have a question about PMS (girls, please please help).?
iv always had really bad PMS. my cramps were excruciating, id break out on my forehead, and id get very moody. a while ago, i got diagnosed with depression, and the mood part is now even worse. i sob around the time my period is due, and i get even more irritable. and the break-outs are hideous (im on anti-depressants, so that might add to the skin issue). im going insane trying to find a way to alleviate these problems. any help on how to prevent break-outs or cover them, and how to make myself less emotional.? it would help me so muchHealth Question & Answer

I get horrendous pms. I use chaste tree berry capsules. you can get them at your health food shop. i was taking four a day but what you want to do is write on your calender when you start taking them and start with two then see how they affect you. you might have to take them long term or it can be short term. i took them for moodyness and anger. You will need to be in control of this. so you monitor and experiment. try taking two a day for six months then see how you are. write down your pms symptoms every month so you can see if they are helping. Dependant on how it goes you might want to up the dose to three.
Chaste tree berry along with Evening Primrose Oil and /or Essential Fatty acids are widely recognised to be some of the best solutions for pms. The chaste tree berry ..what it does is regulate your hormones. Hence you want to try it for six month. regulate your dose then have a trial period off of it and see if you hormones have regulated. try again and repeat. you get the idea. Talk with your doctor to make sure that they don't clash with your meds.
also i would fully reccommend getting yourself along to a naturopath and work in conjunction with the doc and naturopath. What i think would be ideal for you is to get you on the chaste tree but also some form of herb or homeopathic remedy and get you off the antidepressants. Whatever you do don't just dump the antidepressants though as this will make things worse. You can either use both maybe or eventually wean yourself off the antidepressants and onto a more natural remedy. Remember you are looking for long term solutions here and antidepressants are not a long term solutions.
I have been depressed and i had counselling. Often the ring in for help lines in your phone book can provide cheap face to face counselling. You want someone who can help you find the questions so you can find the answers. Be discerning
Clearsil extra strength acne cream in the small blue and white container would be good for the break outs. and maybe some foundation. get a water based foundation cos its better for your skin.
You will be able to fix this. It will just take a while. I have been there.Health Question & Answer

Here is a good site I found about Depression. I has a lot of info and covers multiple facets of depression.

http://depressionknowledge.com/blog/Health Question & Answer

The pill fixed all that stuff for me. My acne was worse for the first 2 months though, but now it's goneHealth Question & Answer

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