I have a cyst on my ovaries and my uterus is upside down. does anyone know what the dr's will do?!

Question: I have a cyst on my ovaries and my uterus is upside down. does anyone know what the dr's will do.?
*They will most likely try and remove the cyst.*
There is tons of information on ovarian cyst removal.
This site will tell you what you need to know:
.?URLhealthgate=%2214849.html%22" rel="nofollow">http://www.aurorahealthcare.org/yourheal...

*As far as getting your uterus removed... It is very unlikely.*
Hysterectomy means the removal of the uterus (womb).
A hysterectomy necessary when a diagnosis of cancer of the cervix or cancer of the uterus is made and is usually recommended if there is ovarian cancer.
However, most hysterectomies are performed in women who do not have cancer but where bleeding or pain from the uterus is causing them so much difficulty that they wish to undergo surgery. A hysterectomy is usually an option for women with fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or heavy periods with no explanation.Health Question & Answer

If the cyst is not bothering you, then they will probably do nothing. An inverted uterus is nothing to be concerned about either as this does not reduce your chances of falling pregnant. I know this as I have an inverted uterus myself. It is actually hereditary and passed down from your mum. Before having my 3 children, I had a ruptured cyst on my RH ovary. Was very painful and doctors thought I had an appendicitis. After having emergency surgery to removed contaminated blood, all was fine and I still went on my O/seas trip 3 months later. When I fell pregnant with my youngest, the doctors also noticed that I had another cyst on one of my ovaries. They told me that if I went in for a C-section, they would remove it then, otherwise they would just leave it if it is not causing any discomfort. Well 3rd bub was natural and I still believe I have the cyst but it does not bother me at all. Generally though, if they are removed, they are often done under a general by key hole surgery. In and out of hospital very quickly with less risks. Talk to your doctor though, always the best advice anyone can give you as everyone is different.
Regards, TanyaHealth Question & Answer

if its a single cyst and its not causing that much pain maybe the doctor will wait till your next period and give you the pill

maybe get an ultrasound done after 2 menstrual cycles, and if its still there operate

as for your retroverted uterus, it shouldn't pose too much of a problem but there are two main techniques for correction, a uterine suspension and the UPLIFT procedure. An exercise called the

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