Thyroid issues and miscarriage ?!

Question: Thyroid issues and miscarriage .?
I had a MC on the 18th of July and I had one before that about a year an 1/2 earlier. The both presented in the same fashion except the first one had to be expelled with a shot.

No I have been seeing my doctor for issues that I thought were unrelated. Hair loss, low temp, very cold extremities and few other things. She seems pretty sure I have a thyroid issue going on. I get tested tomorrow.

My question is can tyroid issues cause you to have a MC.? Health Question & Answer

It is true that there are some conditions that predispose to recurrent miscarriages in the early stages of pregnancy, but most doctors would not start looking for them until a couple had experienced two or three consecutive first trimester miscarriages. These predisposing conditions are quite rare and miscarriages are relatively common.

It has been estimated that up to 20 per cent of women who've missed a period and know that they're pregnant suffer a miscarriage. It's also possible that up to 50 per cent of conceptions don't make it, although most of them before the first period is missed.

An under active thyroid can make miscarriage more likely if it has not been diagnosed and controlled around the time of conception and early pregnancy. Effective replacement solves this problem and so it should no longer be relevant to you. It's also well established that antibodies to cardiolipin and phospholipid have been associated with recurrent miscarriage in some women, and aspirin has been shown to improve the chance of a successful pregnancy for them. I have managed to find a reference to thyroid auto-antibodies (TG-Ab, TPO-Ab) which reports a significant association with the number of previous miscarriages suffered, but I'm not at all clear how this helps you in practice.
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