Why is it that when I am under a lot of stress or pressure I will get cramps and then a day later my period?!

Question: Why is it that when I am under a lot of stress or pressure I will get cramps and then a day later my period.?
My little boys where acting up REALLY bad one day, I was trying to cook and clean and do other things all at the same time..plus my husband was being a jerk. I started cramping really bad and then my period came on. It had just went off 6 days ago. I did this last month too...with the same situation.

Am I under toooooo much stress.?Health Question & Answer

Stress can affect your menstrual cycle in severe cases, so yep, it sounds to me like you are under too much stress. Just to clarify though, I would recommend popping along to your GP just in caseHealth Question & Answer

I've never heard of this happening. Kind of strange. You may want to ask your doctor.Health Question & Answer

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